More Mods Needed?


PSP pwner
Mar 9, 2004
Southampton/Ashley Green
Visit site
Stealing someones idea from another thread i have come to this conclusion:

we need more mods.

It was pointed out that a large number of useless/flaming/trolling/irrelecant threads are being left open by the mods, so i decided to see how many we had.

We have 11, however, of these, i would say that only 5 actually seem to post here/do anything (no offence to the other mods intended) and these mods are spread between four timezones.

Hando, could you possibly see about giving mod power to a few more people? Maybe one Brit, one Continental European and One Yank, in the interest of fairness and timezone related blah.
I agree, im not saying the GP32xtream team are doing a bad job (infact a very good one) but there is alot of work for the mods and i think a few more are needed.

Also i think mods should be more strict. Take that crappy 'homebrew sucks' thread, the best thing to do would be to ban the starter and delete the topics. Or thats what i think anyway :D

P.S. Thanks to all the people who work on the site, we all apreciate it (except those select few trolls)
TBH I dont think they need new mods, although it does seem to be EvilDragon, Rico and Hando doing 99% of the work... but they are doing it well and that. Oh and to that Nazi mod, you know I will give you abit of credit.

Still havent forgiven you though!!
I thought about locking up the threads as well... but when I read them, I saw the comments by most of us... and to my surprise, nobody was moaning or flaming, it actually became a very funny topic which could find it's way to the LOL files...
That's why I didn't close them ;)
The mods have too much power already.

EDIT: He's not allowed to say that.
Topic closed.

This post was edited by generalnmx. Today, 3:47PM
I'd love to lock down any thread that goes wrong, but this isn't Something Awful. I can't so much as enable moderation on someone's posts without them making a thread about it and changing their sig to insult me. We have no effective way of banning IPs to make that possible. So I must exercise caution and show some restraint in my actions, remember that.

In short: there is only so much the mods can do without pissing everyone else off.
Sorry Axe, you aswell :).

Its cause I was drunk, you see?
I'd love to lock down any thread that goes wrong, but this isn't Something Awful. I can't so much as enable moderation on someone's posts without them making a thread about it and changing their sig to insult me. We have no effective way of banning IPs to make that possible. So I must exercise caution and show some restraint in my actions, remember that.

In short: there is only so much the mods can do without pissing everyone else off.
Yea - Fucking Nazi's on Something Awful, my mate is a 'goon'* and if they even do something so much as post in the wrong place or post in the wrong topic then they are banned or suspended.

*twat (well he isnt but from what I read 99.999999% of them are.
Sorry Axe, you aswell :).

Its cause I was drunk, you see?
I'd love to lock down any thread that goes wrong, but this isn't Something Awful. I can't so much as enable moderation on someone's posts without them making a thread about it and changing their sig to insult me. We have no effective way of banning IPs to make that possible. So I must exercise caution and show some restraint in my actions, remember that.

In short: there is only so much the mods can do without pissing everyone else off.
Yea - Fucking Nazi's on Something Awful, my mate is a 'goon'* and if they even do something so much as post in the wrong place or post in the wrong topic then they are banned or suspended.

*twat (well he isnt but from what I read 99.999999% of them are.

I guess you are still drunk then. :P

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Yea - Fucking Nazi's on Something Awful, my mate is a 'goon'* and if they even do something so much as post in the wrong place or post in the wrong topic then they are banned or suspended.

*twat (well he isnt but from what I read 99.999999% of them are.
I'm also a goon. The bannings are usually justified. You can see what each person has been banned for with a link to the thread. But yes, you are expected to post in the correct forum. It really doesn't take much intelligence as each forum is so different in specialisation. If you can't post in the right place, you're not putting thought in your actions, you're creating work for the mods, and SA doesn't want you.
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It wouldnt be so bad if you didnt pay for the account. Also your not allowed to post there when drunk (apparently) and that which is wrong on any level.
hey gfuys i'm so fucking drunk rite now. i jsut have 78 bottle sxof fucking Voka and i'mc ool. wassup classie lassie babes! B) B) B) B) B)
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Yeah I've been kinda awol recently because of sporadic internet connections to the Polish nodes. I think it's better now, so I'll try to mod more if needed. Remember to report posts you feel are worthy of moderation, those are usually dealt with quickly since we check our email more then these boards ;)
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