Some More Mods (Please?)


Sep 30, 2008
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Let's do some frank talking, shall we?

No offense to the older MODs, but this forum is basically unmoderated. The internal area is a ghost town. I asked a question about spam and got an answer two weeks later (thanks Tobriand :) ).
The WIZ people are unhappy. Right now I try to help them, because there is basically nobody else, but I'm not interested in the WIZ at all.
I'll step back as a MOD now, because I feel that I post too much own opinion(I tried my best though and in fact I would have liked to burn this whole place down a few times already starting with the damn town hall :P ) which might harm the project more in the long run than it will do good. Maybe I expect too much from those amateurs and only get stupidity most of the time. Oops! there was that opinion thing again, see what I mean now? :P

Not all I did was bad though, imo. Organizing support in the "I need help" section is something I'm proud of and I don't want to let this go to waste. I've suggested to make Prometheus another MOD as she is a great hard community worker. I know this has to be discussed in the "internal area" first(wait what?! the internal area is a ghost town, see above :rolleyes: )

I asked Gruso too, but didn't get a reply, yet. What would YOU think when you work your ass off and the international OPT headquarter imperator doesn't find it necessary to send a Pandora early and instead dreams of his own moulding machine, what a bloody <deleted by myself>?! Burn fucking townhall yet another time!(<-ignore this, too much opinion :rolleyes: )

So get your heads out of your own asses and do something about it, thanks.
Sorry to hear that, mali :( I think you're a good mod for this place here.
Gruso is a very good suggestion. +1
I don't think you're doing a bad job at all Mali. Part of being a mod is making decisions that not everyone is going to agree with so I don't envy you in that aspect. I didn't think that there were so few active mods here though. IMO anyone that has been inactive for a certain amount of time, say 6 months maybe, should be demodded to make room for someone who has the time and/or is willing to do the job. If it's just that the admins don't want to hurt any of the veteran's feeling then they could always reapply when/if they come back. The rest of the forum shouldn't have to suffer because of this!
We have four people here that have offered to become mods. I think they should be given the positions immediately. Nova, Quote, and Peter could handle the Wiz and probably the rest of the forum for that matter. Pickle could help you in the Pandora section as that's by far the busiest. I'm not saying to just kick out the older mods but they should be contacted or try to get in contact with them and explain the situation. If they're not here then they shouldn't be mods, if they agree to get back into it then fine, stay as mods, that works to.

You're doing fine, keep it up!!! ;)

BTW, Gruso and Prometheus are good choices as well!
I don't want to debate the position of older MODs in this thread. Nobody should be "demodded" cause there shouldn't be some kind of MOD limit. Nobody can control his interests and trawling boring forum posts can be quite tedious. But on the other hand there have to be some "active" MODs around who are more involved and interested in the scene _right now_.
So this is different to the other thread in what way? You'd like some new mods who will be active in the Pandora section?
Then yes, I think Gruso and Prometheus would be good choices. Gruso didn't really seem to want the position when he was last presented with it, though. There is also what Orion suggested; if Pickle, Peter, Nova and I become mods (as suggested in the other thread), I know that Pickle is more active in the Pandora section at the moment, and Nova and I still read it.

Edit: mali I thought you were taking a break? How about you do that, then come back and see how you feel?
quote said:
So this is different to the other thread in what way?
It's no different. I thought more threads might speed up the process :P And I didn't want to pollute the other thread with my rant ;)
Edit: mali I thought you were taking a break? How about you do that, then come back and see how you feel?
I _will_ take a break, but I can't leave before this is sorted out. Call it sense of duty or whatever.
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mali said:
It's no different. I thought more threads might speed up the process :P
Well in the other thread ED said he was looking into it, and that he approved of our little list. Which means that the people I mentioned above will most likely become moderators.
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ED also said he wanted to ask in the "MOD Bereich" first when I asked about Prometheus. I don't see a thread in the MOD area and nobody would read it anyway. Ok, Tobriand might stumble upon that question two weeks later, but so far there is nothing to stumble upon. See my problem?
Ok then it's just up to ED. Enough people have shown their support so I guess all he needs to do now is make it happen, or decide how many there should be. :)
Some other names I want to throw in the ring:


Good luck folks, I'm on vacation now :)
Ok. Mali, sorry I'm so crap with getting back to PMs! (Hi also to SomeGuy99). I've said in the past that I didn't want to become a mod for a list of reasons (extra workload, changing my relationship with the community, yada yada). But after seeing the work you've been doing as a mod, I'm kinda keen to help out. Together we can stamp out the biggest threat we face as a community: typos in thread titles.

I can't be a full time presence, I won't be out on mod patrol to clean up the streets, but I can help keep things organised where I see a need. Also, I'm rarely on the boards (or the blog) on weekends as I'm sure you've noticed. But part time help is better than no help. :) On the up side, I'm here when most other people aren't. Being at the arse end of the planet and all.

Thanks for the votes of confidence everyone. If ED sees fit to swap my guru badge for an extreme team badge, I'm willing to help. Also, +1 to Prometheus if she's keen.

[edit] Oh, just missed the mali boat :D I'm going to be scarce myself for the next four days (going to visit me mum!) so we'll just let all this float for a while and see what comes of it. Wherever the wind blows, etc. :)
Glad I checked the boards a last time before going on vacation *cough*
Gruso, you are the man :D
Actually doing moderation is easy as pie. Moving a thread here and there won't change relationship to the community nor is it much extra workload ;)
I think we should kiss the "good old times" where one imperator a la Chip(no offense, just meant to address loneliness as a MOD) ruled the whole world good bye.
Community means doing it together as a team and distribute it on many shoulders.

Maybe I'm a drama queen sometimes, but in the end I'm right most of the time :P

Yeah basically I posted what Gruso wrote once more just in other words :o

And a nice side-effect of being a MOD, we can bully some lonely posters when we feel like it. Or how about we unban PV and enjoy the show?
I kid, I kid :D
This is really frustrating. Please don't forget that we need more mods for the Wiz/Caanoo section more than anything. No offence, but I really feel it's a priority, as there's no mod presence there at all.
^ I absolutely agree and that's why I mentioned the WIZ section in my first post :)

Maybe we should have two new for each section.
Prometheus and Gruso for Pandora and two you WIZ users choose. Gruso visits the WIZ section from time to time anyway so we would have an evenly covered maintenance.