Cool, Is It Not?


Apr 5, 2003
Newport, Wales, UK
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Just thought I'd post this - thought it was cool....

Mac Mini

It's Apple's new desktop machine.

A thing of beauty, no? What a cool machine for people wanting to break into Macs! It's tiny, and cheap too! (£339).

Nice ;)
very nice

must say that i would have upped the vgacard memory to 64mb and made 512mb ram standard.

i would have done this because the people who pick this up will want to be wowed by this new fangled operating thingy they're trying out, from what i've read about os x, you need a decent amount of ram and memory for things to be sweet
Not really. OS X was built for the machines it was first packaged with, which were something like 600-837 MHz. From several viewpoints I've real, it runs smoothly on that, and I'm sure Apple aren't going to package OS X on a computer that can't run it at full speed... since they have that amount of control over things. Also, nobody who wants a decent gaming machine is going to plump for a low-end Mac computer.
i'm getting one. i have to. i was just looking at ibuypower for a new PC, and i'd sell my old one and scrounge a few hundred (couple months allowande, i know i'm lucky at 50 bucks a month :) )
now there's no way i'm going to get another PC. man... its so beutifulll....
and i dont much like the ipod shuffle... for lack of storage and screen. but i can see that it could be handy for active folks.

I use OS X at school, and would kill for a mac to play with at home. This is the best way, but my mom doesn't like the $500 price tag when I have had my computer for less than a year. Well, I suppose Linux is a fun tinker's OS. Still, it's wonderful to use.
I'd get a mac, but I dislike OSX and those one-button mice. That, and I'd need to get three of them for my home network... and the fact that none of them would run any of my software.

Come to think of it, I wouldn't get a mac. Ever.
I don't really like it. Bad extendability, not really economically priced, too much focus on design in a bad manner: It is too compact, examples: you need a USB-Hub if you connect more than two fixed usb-units, you need external HDs if you need more than 80GB space. Apples new good value policy: They sell it without keyboard & mouse. :rolleyes:
I have no idea how Mac specs are converted to "normal" terms, but I figure it must be somewhat different than PC's.

Otherwise it seems REALLY low-end compared to todays standards...
Jesus christ, the designers at Apple must live in carboard boxes if they need their computers to be that small.
And the Ipod shuffle, what the hell's that about? I thought it was a bad joke the first time I saw it. It's just an MP3 player without a screen. Woo.

Edit: Also, you can get a proper PC with twice the specs from Dell (or anywhere else) for $100 less than that.
The ipod shuffle must be the worst thing ever. I dont even understand whats good about it. Even the most ridiculous fanboys (eg- thecheat) surely cant get too excited about it.

The MiniMac is quite cool, although it's still VERY expensive compared to what you could get PC wise for that price (espescially without monitor etc).
I have to say that is sexy.

If I was getting a computer for web design, programming, video, internet only that would be my next purchase (and damn fucking hell its tempting with me buying a PS2 only). I may show it to my mum see if she will go halves.

Erm yea, still I really wanna play Half Life 2 and stuff so argh.

I'm going to have to get one - it just looks so practical. I can just uplug it and take it to work...

Some PC users won't "get" it, but I reckon a hell of a lot of them will...

Not sure about the iPod shuffle - OK it's smaller than the iPod, but the capacity is so small in comparison. And why are they selling it on the 'random' or 'shuffle' basis? Surely every MP3 player ever released has had a random mode?

Still when you consider Apple sold 4,500,000 iPods last quarter, taking 60% of the market, they must be doing something right. Mind you, you would think they would be a bit wary of trying to dominate the market - it's never good in the long run - look at the state of PC's...
Wait, why is this good again? It's just another computer, that just happens to be small. Nice looking design, blah blah blah. It's the same thing people. Unless you need portability for a desktop computer, stop drooling.
* I see no point in a pretty looking computer thats a works like a peice of waffled excrement.

* I see no point in a low end desktop computer that you can fit in you pocket.

* I see no point in a lightweight computer when I'm never going to move it anyway.

* I see no point in having all addons be external. Internal upgrades rule.

* If I wanted my case pretty, I'd make it pretty. If I wanted my computer crappy, I'd make it crappy. If I wanted my computer non upgradeable I'd make it non upgradable. If I wanted it to cost $400 more than it should, I'd buy parts from a place with high markup. But I dont want any of that.

Well... I've just made the switch to my iMac G5 after 11 years of PCs, and am glad I did it. And that's not from the standpoint of a PC dunce - I'm a Network Analyst.

So there :P

It's not like I'm a mac officianado or anything - I've only had it for about 12 days! Thing is, it works well, it's quiet, takes up less space, does everything I need it to a damn sight more efficiently than my PC, and looks nice to boot :)

If the mac mini gives some people a reason to make the switch to Apple, then so be it, cos as a well-oiled PC user, who happens to know his stuff pretty well, I don't regret the move myself ;) To be honest, macs making a break for some more territory from MS would be good - I mean there's this thing called COMPETITION that tends to cause products to improve faster, but seems to have been thrown out of the window (no pun intended) by MS in the last 8 years or so.

Ah well - whatever you have, enjoy it, and keep coming to GP32x :)