i'm drunk


Mar 19, 2003
U know that drinking in the staes is frowned apon more so than in the UK which I asume most of you are from. Anyway I am 22 and went out and had a fucking blast. As fucking spectacular as the gp32 is there is no way it will ever take the place of drinking a few "pints" or "40oz" and dancing the night away with some amazing ladies. I am sorry but I have not touched the go32 in about a week and so far concidering the way this summer has been going so far I will miss it dearly but will deffinat;y have a valid excuse to drop it then come back after the summer "holiday" is over. I wish all the coders the best of luck but I still hope some of you come up for air from time to time and if I were to run into one of you at a bar which concidering I live higan in the states would be unlikley I would buy you a pint. That is is all as far as my drunk rant goes long live the gp32 and new castle on the tap.
Should this be talked about on this forum? I mean what if some kid stumbles upon this? What kind of picture does that make for him/her?????????????? Think BEFORE you post!!
Id be thinking it would be putting this kind of image in their head:

(thats my bro btw ;P)
Oh, that's a WONDERFUL picture!! :angry: :angry: <_< :angry:
lighten up zboy. compared to --other-- things some innocent unsuspecting 9 year old could happen across on the internet, I would say this qualifies as Disney Material.. besides this forum gets a little stufy at times ("where's my blah blah emulator??") it's cool to lay off the business every once in awhile, be human.. Besides, your dancing banana is about to give me seizures!! MAKE IT STOPPP!!!!

Meanwhile, that picture.. man, that rocks. It's a perfect representation of the youth in our modern society, a glowing example of those who will one day run the planet. Let's all do our best to spread it's cheer to our bretheren on the internet and the message it conveys (America's favorite pastime!) At the very least, it would be a more than fitting windups desktop... HAVE AT IT!!

-non-dancing banana
whatever, I don't feel like a flame war tonight, but come on, you are justifying drinking and making it appealing to kids. And I know what you mean, this is not as bad as some stuff you may see on the internet, but why don't we try to clean it up a little, and not do our part to pollute kids' minds? I mean its like you are saying that you littering a bottle on the street is ok because people around the world litter things that are much bigger than a bottle. Do you get what I'm saying? If we all did a little we can accomplish a lot, and this could have been one less thing that a kid could have seen that was bad. Did you think of that, or did you just think of yourself? And about America's pasttime, I hardly think getting drunk is America's pasttime, you obviously don't know much about history.
oh yeah, and you obviously are not having seizures from my banana because you were able to type and make sense!!!
Lets hope you can pull the women better than you can type when your drunk Angrypants.

Otherwise God help you ! :P
ha ha zboy (twitch twitch) don't worry I'm not looking for a flame war either (twitch SLAP twitch) I'm just having a little fun at, uh, 3:30 in the a.m. as I try to wrap up work..

i'm not defending drinking (twitch! see, seizures. better not play any video games) , in fact I gave it up a couple years ago myself. I am just saying save your energy for a worthy cause, any kid who is clever enough to have found his way to (twitch) a GP32 messageboard is pretty likely not to end up so easily plastered on the sidewalk I'd bet (well, except maybe for angrypants and of course swisscheeseman's whole gene pool) There (twitch) I guess I already proved myself wrong, but ANYWAY.. that poor kid is doomed to a worse fate anyway if he's here, all his friends out playing baseball and hitting on chicks while he's curled up on his couch for days on end sucked into GP32 world while his adolescence (sp) ebbs away.. not that I'm bitter or anything

Ok, Ok, whatever, but don't take it out on the banana! :(
THat is what I am saying!! Some kid may see this and think drinking is good, DUH!!!
You want to know what is wrong with drinking?? I will tell you what is wrong. Countless people die from drinking too much alcohol, others abuse other people including their wives etc., and walking around looking like a zombie and falling over is cool???? I won't even mention all the kids and other people that are killed by drunk driving, but I think you get the picture. I know that not all drinkers are like that, but why advertise something that can harm others??