Paint Shop Pro


La vieille dame et les pigeons
Mar 16, 2004
North Wales, UK
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I really want photoshop to be honest. But there's no way I have the money for something like that. (unless they have some cheap version, if so please inform me).

But since I probably can't get it my next bet is PSP, this has gone really cheap. Would you say that this is an ok program for designing graphics for websites?

I'm tired of MSPaint.


@nilsboy: I don't know for sure but I think not, seeing as how they charge for upgrades, older versions are unlikely to be free and will be unmaintained.

PSP is alright, its only £90 quid or so at the moment iirc. Photoshop is better, but hey how many people use photoshop to its full potential? (answer: very, very few)
I reckon sentfactor paint might be free. it appeared on loads of magazine cds a few years ago
Now that I think about it, I'll take up some PSP course in uni :P
But what freeware program could I use for know?
Does such an amazing thing even exist?
The old versions of PSP are free, I still use PSP 4. It is very hard to find a download though, as everywhere has the latest demo instead.

craigix posted on Dec 18 2004 at 12:39 AM said:
The old versions of PSP are free, I still use PSP 4. It is very hard to find a download though, as everywhere has the latest demo instead.

Does anyone know ho wold they have to get before they become free?
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Use the GIMP, theres a version available for windows now andconsidering it's free it very nearly cmopares with photoshop. Certainly its better than PSP!
c0ncept posted on Dec 18 2004 at 01:33 AM said:

Use the GIMP, theres a version available for windows now andconsidering it's free it very nearly cmopares with photoshop. Certainly its better than PSP!
That's what I was thinking of, I was just hoping someone would say it. I'll give it a download.
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Hanz™ posted on Dec 18 2004 at 01:41 AM said:
Does anyone know ho wold they have to get before they become free?

i think some years ago at a computer camp they had psp 5 and told us it was free..and its 2 years ago
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