Flu Or Blu? Need Some Detail Questions Answered


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2004
Sup everyone :P New to the boards here. I've been eyeing the GP32 for about 2 years now.... I dont knwo why I've put off getting one for so long. Anyways, I actually just picked up a couple Nintendo DS'... one for me and one for my wife, and though I love having Mario 64 on the go, I'm really not thrilled with the system.

Anyways, I'm thinking of selling one and picking up a GP32 FINALLY!

I'm looking at the choices, and right off the bat I know I want a lit one, and I am gonna guess that the BLU *probably* looks nicer than the FLU, but wanted to check with you all.

My closest reference point I have is comparing the Nintendo DS with the GBA SP. Obviosly the backlit DS looks a lot nicer. Actually... it surprised me with one thing. I dont really keep up with technology much, but thinking back on all the previous backlit handheld game systems I have had (atari lynx, Sega game gear and nomad) none of them were very usable outdoors on a sunny day, and none of them were at all usable with the backlight off. I thought this was why nintendo went with frontlight for the SP. But the DS somehow is backlit and is actually useable outside and with the light off.

So my big question is does the GP32 BLU work just like the DS? or does it work like those old backlit systems?

Also, one other technical question. Is there a difference between SD MMC (Secure Digital, Multi Media Card) cards, and SMC (Smart Media Card) cards? They look almost identical to me.

Also, is there a preferred brand or specific type of rechargeable AA battery you guys recommend for it? NiMH? Li-Ion? Any particular mAH rating for good battery life?
Get the BLU if you can afford it. It works pretty much like a laptop screen.
It uses SMC cards, and most people like to use good rechargeable batterys,
but there's no reccomended one (Gamepark sends them out with the cheapest
Korean batterys in them). People don't bother to get smc cards below 128mb,
and NO, they don't go over 128mb for several reasons.

EDIT: It's not viewable under sun light with light off. It is bearly visible
with the light on under bright light. But it looks just awesome in a dark place
with the light on. SMC cards are the only cards that will work, they're all totally
differant. Use whatever battery you like. I've got 1800mA rechargeable Rayovacs, but that's because they were only $8 for 4. My GP is a 166mhz modded (faster) one.
For a comparison.

Non-lit = 100% in sunlight
FLU = 90% in sunlight
BLU = 80 % in sunlight

I don't have a problem with it but it is less visible in the sunlight than the others. I don't think you'd notice it to much or it would bother you.

I play my BLU with the light off in the sunlight all the time and it's fine. And the BLU is so much brghter and clearer than the others you will regret not getting it.
Um... I read some other posts on here and have gotten kinda confused, seems some people have made it sound like you CAN play the BLU with the backlight off. Can anyone else clarify this?

And another question now. I guess I definately want a BLU. But now I have to choose between modded and unmodded. Lik Sang has a good offer right now, the BLU for $180 USD, with one game (dungeon and guarder) and the rf module which I will probably never use.

On the other had, gbax has a modded unit guaranteed to run at least 166mhz for about the same price, but with no game or anything. I think the 166mhz is important, because the #1 reason I want the gp32 is for emu's. Lik sangs are not guaranteed to run any speed. But, I do like lik sang and have had good dealings with them in the past. Really, the price is not an issue AT ALL, I just want the best gp32 I can get.

For anyone who's bought a modded unit, or modded one themselves, is there any problem with dust getting INSIDE the screen? I modded a GBA with an afterburner once, and even though I was VERY careful, a LOT of dust got inside and would drive me NUTS!!!!!!!

that's really the only question left then... modded one from GBAX or free game from lik sang.
The BLU does look nicer than the FLU and the light can be turned off holding down the select button for something like 3 seconds. I have seen a BLU (My friend owns one, I have a FLU), and think it is playable with the backlight off. However, a screen that beautiful should never be allowed to be seen with the backlight off. ;) SMC are different from other Media cards in that the contacts are more exposed, but the card is MUCH thinner. Sort of a wow factor too (It must be a better system if it has smaller carts, lol :rolleyes: ).
So what do you guys think, modded from gbax, or unmodded and one free game from lik sang? the price difference is unimportant. Most important thing for me will be playing emus, particularly, TG16 and genesis emus.
The BLU is the best quality hands down. Unless you plan on playing it on the beach in the sun it is best. You can't see it very well with the backlight off (dark), but you can still see it, unlike the Lynx or GG which you couldn't see AT ALL.

FLUs have a dust problem. ANY dust in the screen will light up like a christmas tree. The FLU is an aftermarket kludge and not done by Gamepark, I have heard of them going bad sometimes (the light may stop working). The BLU has no dust and is factory lit, and even if there was a speck of dust it is not visible with the light on because of the method of backlighting.

I would get Rayovac IC-3 NiMH batteries. They charge in 15 minutes and last a bit longer than alkalines.

I would go with a 166 GP32. If you are good at soldering then get any version cheaper and do the mod yourself, it involves soldering two resistors.

I would buy from Craig (GBAX) if you can afford it because he supports the scene alot. The USD is pretty worthless compared to the GBP so expect an increase after currency conversion though if you are in the US.

If you are going to sell a DS I would do it on ebay, they are getting crazy money for them. I was almost considering selling a few just to get some extra cash.
bast525 posted on Dec 4 2004 at 01:04 AM said:
So what do you guys think, modded from gbax, or unmodded and one free game from lik sang? the price difference is unimportant. Most important thing for me will be playing emus, particularly, TG16 and genesis emus.

If price is not an issue, definitely go with GBAX. I hear (and believe it) that the customer service is second to none. ;)

I ordered my GP off of Lik-Sang. Mine clocks at a flawless 160mhz (it'll get 166 for 15-20 minutes, but then crash), and I am very, very happy with it.

However, like I said, if money is no issue, go with GBAX.
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When I go thru the order process at gbax it gives me a final price after conversion of 140.92 pounds, 222.65 USD, 217.01 EUR... is this the final final price or your'e saying I'll pay more even after this?

Another reason I want to go with GBAX is they have a guaranteed 24-48 hour shipping, I dont think lik-sang does that to the US
ROFLMA to tears!!!

yeah well DaveC was right... even though gbax quoted the final price after conversion was goign to be $222, but then when it took me to the payment screen for my credit card info the price had converted up to $280!!!!!!

I know I said price is not an issue but GEEZ.... $80 more to have it modded? no way. I'll rather take my chances the lik sang one will run 166 OR I will just have to try to mod it myself I guess :( I REALLY hope I dont need to do this though lord PLEASE let me get lucky just this once!!!!!

Plus with lik sang I do at least get the free game for that price as well, and they do 1-3 day guaranteed shipping with UPS. So I went ahead and ordered a BLU from Lik Sang. I know I probably overpaid but I ordered a 128MB SMC from them as well, since my local Best Buy does not seem to carry SMC's????
guys where would I find a tutorial for the voltage mod? (EDIT: n/m I did a search and found some info, but still have the questions below)

In your oppinions, is this easy to do? I'm okay/so-so with this kind of stuff... mod chipped my own dreamcast and put an afterburner into a gba (the AB thing did NOT go well).

I'm not so much worried about the soldering, as I am about getting dust inside the system as I mod it! Please tell me it's easy to mod w/o getting dust in my screen!

ANOTHER EDIT: Also, does anyone know anyone local to me (I'm in SoCal, but by local this can mean anywhere in US) where I can send my GP to get modded?
The volt mod is done on the back side of the PCboard. This means that the board doesn't need to be removed. The surface mount resistors are in plain view after you remove the back of the case, so no dust, the LCD is gasketed and sealed.

And yeah, thanks to Mr. Bush's massive deficit the USD is near worthless now.

I would recommend doing a glass screen mod too, the plastic one on it gets scratched/streaked easy. I did it myself and it was easy.

Try www.cobbleware.com for the mod.

Try Bananna PC for cheap SMCs, they are only $22.00 including shipping for 128M ones.

DrMd is the best Genesis emu.
yeah I saw cobbleware for the volt mod... i'll definately only do this if I 100% need to I dont liek the idea of soldering on such small contacts.

What about the glass screens I haven't seen a place to buy them?
You just make the screens by cutting the glass to size yourself. You can buy them but why waste your money when the local hardware store can cut you one for a couple of bucks. You could even go to one of those DIY frame-up places to get some glass cut.
unfortunately since I've placed the order on friday or I believe, saturday their time, I dont anticipate getting it until maybe weds or thursday... so 5-6 days :( but that's better than two weeks.

I'm looking right now at the add at the top of this very screen as I type this post... the Lik Sang ad sure is misleading... I love how they advertise it as being 166mhz... period paragraph, no ifs ands or buts. Yet there is no guarantee of that... so why advertise it at all.

Um... so no one sells the glass screens for this? Okay... well, just another 'mod' that I'm not going to do unless I have to.

But out of curiosity, does the plastic screen cover pull out from the front (like the original gba and older game boys) or do I have to disassemble the unit to get it out? Is the plastic one really that bad?

Next question... do I need a card reader/writer to transfer stuff onto the smc or I can do it using the gp32 as the writer?
dude you DEFINITELY want to get a card reader. it's the difference between night and day to transfer files to your GP32. First off you can get one for like 10 Bucks (I know, then bucks here and there add up but trust me.. it's essential)

The files transfer MUCH faster.
You don't eat up GP32 batt's transferring files.
It's drag and drop in your regular windows OS just like everything else you know and love (hell it works plug n play on a Mac too, I tried + was surprised!)
And..da da da dum... you don't have to rename every fucking file you wanna transfer to 8.3 'standard!' That SUCKED!

GP32 is loads of fun. the scene is fun to watch too. just don't expect perfection, haha.. TG16 is great though. DrMD is coming along sweet. NES is perfect too (well, close enough) + on and on..

setup is a bitch but after you get thru once then it's done forever. YYayy!!