wolly wotsit
ad astra per alia porci

im gonna hav 2 say that looks preeeety tasti
I'm on no side for these ace consoles. But what's it liked playing by pressing the buttons and using the stylus at the same time?hey oct , you say how the PSP will be great for FPS games , i dont see how thats possible , at most it can just manage ps1 controls
Up = forward
left = turn left
right = turn right
down = backwards
hold L for free look
hold R to lock and strafe
thats the best mode of control i can think of , and its basicly the metroid prime controls(on the cube ), so that bassicly leaves
X to shoot
square and circle for weapon change
triangle to jump
it seems thats how it would work (IMO)
which is *ok* but if your looking for action packed death match , THIS IS NOT going to be as fun as you think, it works ok on metroid prime (cube) because there are other functions such as the ball ect. but for true deathmatch you NEED some form of mouse look , DS touch screen works very nice.
and stop complaining that DS doesnt have a headset , IT DONT NEED ONE XD
Built in microphone. thats all i need to say to your head set argument, and anyhow , multiplayer games are more fun together , online is booring XD
ya know what would be great for the DS, a light gun style game , that has the targets on the top screen , and you have to use the bottom screen to shoot them, i dont know about something serious like time crisis , but one of the target type games where you play for highscores (try to remember what its called) i have on ps2 with lightgun *racks brains*
from what i can tell the metroid game on ds
up =forward
down =backwards
left = strafe left
right = strafe right
thumb pad + touch screen = free look
L shoulder = fire.
and the A B X Y and R shoulder button have functions aswell , and because of the thumb pad ( small strap with a piece of plastic that gos on the end of your thumb , is also attached to the wrist strap ) the buttons are easy to use, i wudnt want to try poking them a stylus XD
and from the videos ive seen metroid is stunningly beautifull !! a very nice Shooter with 4 player multiplayer , thats good enough for me and my friends