Drmd, And Reesy = Brilliant!


God I'm old.
Jun 9, 2003
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Ok, I know I'm a bit late to the party but just tried DrMD and it's better than I ever imagined. Gunstar Heroes is going ~40fps with sound... And most games are doing over 30 WITH sound! Wow!

Reesy - thank you so damn much for this emu! Fantastic work. Just be sure not to lose the source code in a HD crash or such (i.e. GPengine). Coders, backup those sources! :)
i can't wait for savestates and compatibilty
prophet be sure to check out fgen and giga drive too
gigadrive has amazing compatibility, and fgen has savestates
:P figured you'd try it eventually! it was the 4th emu I tried on my GP

I love it exept for the lack of saves.

Hey Reesy - Can you please make savestates. Even if SRAM doesn't work I'll be happy with save states!!! :D
Try Megaman: The Wily Wars. Full speed, full sound (other games like Sonic 2 have slightly messed up slightly laggy sound). It's my favorite genesis game :)


Select Euro mode.
I was putting off the 16bit emus cuz I didn't expect them to be too good. But DrMD blew me away, it's wickedly fast and smooth as a baby's backside. I heard good things about it, but... just didn't expect it to be this good.

Judging by Reesy's excellent work on the GBA in the past, I'd imagine he'll finish DrMD off nicely over time.
AFAIK Reesy is no longer reading these boards...

Yeah, what happened to him? He seems to have vanished. Don't tell me we have another half finished emu that is abandoned again. There are three Genesis emus all with different strengths/weaknesses. We have DrMD with great compatibility and Z80 sound, but no saves making RPGs useless, and the gamma is off making the background too light, Then we have fGen which is pretty fast and has saves, but poor compatibility and no Z80 sound. Gigadrive has good compatibility but no Z80 or saves. So close, and again, yet so far. I just hope he will release the source so someone could add things.

Does anyone know what happened to Reesy? has he abandoned this emu because the DS is comming out and he is getting ready for that? Or is he still working on the emu and just not comming to the board anymore?
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/me is sad. :(

.. all I wished for was to play Kid Chameleon with sound. :( ³
I long for the day when I can play all Genesis games perfectly...

But I think that DrMD has a good chance of getting finished, since
it's supported by Reesy, other good programmers, and Craig/GBAX.
Don't mark my words, but AFAIK it's NOT abandoned, Reesy just quit these boards (because of known reasons... don't want to bring this up again).
This emulator kicks ass espeshly when clocked to 166mhz as other ppl said above it needs state saves because its annoying when you get so far in sonic 3 and then ya too tired to continue or batterys die ..

the only problem ive found is with the rom "Terminator 2 Arcade" - sprite messes up and cant kill the HK at the end of first level etc.

do whatever it takes to get reesy back hes a great programmer/developer and we need high quality programmers like this on the team/forums community...

Steve :)
i am usually pessimistic. but with all that has happened for Genesis emulation on GP32 in the past year, I strongly believe we'll see it get at least as good, quality-wise, as GPEngine (which would definitely do it for me)

As for SNES, Yoyo seems to release an update once every 6 months so far (well.. in the span of the first year!) So I think it's always a toss-up whether it will ever get wrapped up. But I sure hope so!

I give up on seeing an honest-to-goodness Mame verison at this point, it would be great of course but the scene just seems way too small.. it's a shame, but I can live with it, GP32's got plenty already. Wonder if it will ever surface on the Z?
I don't know what happened either. Did he get flamed/pestered by n00bz or something? I have checked in the emuboards for any current posts by him in the GBA section and it seems he is MIA there too. Kind of strange. Maybe Craig knows something as he seems to have communications with him.
i am usually pessimistic. but with all that has happened for Genesis emulation on GP32 in the past year, I strongly believe we'll see it get at least as good, quality-wise, as GPEngine (which would definitely do it for me)

As for SNES, Yoyo seems to release an update once every 6 months so far (well.. in the span of the first year!) So I think it's always a toss-up whether it will ever get wrapped up. But I sure hope so!

I give up on seeing an honest-to-goodness Mame verison at this point, it would be great of course but the scene just seems way too small.. it's a shame, but I can live with it, GP32's got plenty already. Wonder if it will ever surface on the Z?

I think Yoyo has gone to the Zodiac. He has ported his emus to that and that takes all of his time I think. It is too bad as I would bet that his NES and SNES emus would have been wrapped up by now if he was coding for the GP32 over the last 6 months or so.
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