This has endless of possibilitys...
Make a 0-100 Km/h times to test car accelleration.
Make 402m (1/4 mile) (dragstrip) timing for those who are into car tuning... and racing... (maybe I'm the only one here though

With a accurate clock and a accurate GPS you can measure all sorts of car performance...
And yes... you can make a cool navigator with maps and speech and so on... (just have to hook it up to the car stereo...)
Does this GPS measure height also?
I'll buy this (even though I already have a USB GPS for my laptop...) this would be the ultimate cool tool for GP32...
Search the web and found this... this would be a killer app for GP32 GPS... would sell many if it can half of what this can... and I don't know of accuracy of Nigel's GPS...
The best of them costs
Price £7,495+vat
And GP32+GPS+Software would cost MAX £300...
Plus the added ability to display directly and have sound and so on...
Well I'm dreaming of course but it could be done...