3d Stereo Glasses


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2003
Ive just setup my Elsa 3D Stereo glasses after about 1 year of not using them...

Whats the Best game to play with Stereo 3D?? Was there ever any games relesead specifically for Stereo 3D???

Quake 2 / 3 are nice and so is Painkiller...

Is it possible to watch a Film in Stereo 3D ??
Definatlelly Battlefield 1942 (with all mods, SWOWWII, RTR, DC, BF1918, BG42, Forgotten hope). We did that on our last LAN (2 weeks ago), allthough I can´t use any on my TFT. But i just used the computer of my buddy, and it was awesome. It just takes a few minutes to get used to it, as it looks totaly different.

As for the film:

I don´t think so, as you would have to have 1 picture for each eye, in order to make things 3d. Your DVD-Player (PowerDVD or whatever) wouldn´t know how to draw those pictures to make a person stand out of something. It wouldn´t know what the background is, and what´s foreground.
its possible to use 3D Stereo Glasses with TFT Screens now :)

yes, it is possible, but each eye just gets 35 pictures per sencond, and therefore it looks flickery. And it only works with Nvidia Chips (Hehehe, another reason why ATI sucks), but i got one, so..........only the monitor is worng. I already tried it on our TFT, but it sucks. I could still use those red/blue glasses, but the color just gets disorted, that sucks, too

3d stereo glasses are glasses, that allow you to play games in 3d. That means both eyes get a different picture, that are then built into a 3d environment by your brain.
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a buddy of mine paid 2€ for it (on ebay +postage), and another one, namely Emu&Co (browsing these forums) paid 14€ (also on ebay +postage)
whats the difference with teh eDimensional and ELSA 3D Stereo Glasses?? (They look the same)

I have the ELSA glasses
how the hell do those thngs work?

Well, The Screen Flashes like mad (left right left right very fast I think) SO if you looks at it without the glasses its like 2 images on the screen or something and the LCD Screens on the 3D Glasses Flash Very fast and it makes the image into 1 but it makes things appear like they are comming out of the screen to your face :P
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I seem to remember mafia looking really nice with my red/blue glasses (god bless nvidia :))

n64 games are cool in 3d, too, although some things are a bit messed up.

basically any direct3d games can be rendered stereoscopically with nvidia graphics cards... :)
And regarding films, yes you can. In one of 2 ways. Either get a 3D version of the film. Imax sell DVDs of their titles which fir the bill and there's a few others. You can also play them on a program like 3DPlus2 which does a pretty decent job of real-time convertion of any 2D film to 3D. Especially when there's lot of action.

However, it is a decent job, not a perfect one. Don't expect Imax quality - just some reasonable 3D with a lot of films.
Yep, 3D glasses rock. Ever tried wearing an Aura Interactor plus 3d glasses while playing Mechwarrior 3 with your Joypad plus voice control? That is freaking awesome.
what do yall think is the best?
the only ones Ive personally used were the ED ones
but theres lots of others out there
I know the ED ones are really good quality ( physicly built, and picture wise )
but how do these others rate on games like Doom 3, Far Cry, and Halo?
those are the games I care about

this forum is the best place for *all* your stereo 3d questions...

most glasses are exaqctly the same, but there are a few clunkers out there (so i'm told)
And regarding films, yes you can. In one of 2 ways. Either get a 3D version of the film. Imax sell DVDs of their titles which fir the bill and there's a few others. You can also play them on a program like 3DPlus2 which does a pretty decent job of real-time convertion of any 2D film to 3D. Especially when there's lot of action.

However, it is a decent job, not a perfect one. Don't expect Imax quality - just some reasonable 3D with a lot of films.

ok, I might try 3DPlus2.. Ebay has some Imax films I might buy
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what do yall think is the best?
the only ones Ive personally used were the ED ones
but theres lots of others out there
I know the ED ones are really good quality ( physicly built, and picture wise )
but how do these others rate on games like Doom 3, Far Cry, and Halo?
those are the games I care about


I used some old Elsa Revelators and they worked really nice.

By the way, if anyone has an idea if I have a chance to utilize my glasses with my TFT, I would be very thankful. To increase the problem, I have a Radeon 9600 Pro.... any ideas?
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I've been interested in getting a pair of 3D glasses for a long time and they seem to have come down in price quite a bit. Can anyone tell me where the best place to buy them in the UK is and what sort to get for a reasonable price/performance level. I know bugger all about these but the thought of playing MOH, Q3, Doom3 etc with some of these puppies on is rather appealing.