New guide to better quality Divx files.

I got a problem when useing that guide.
I did what it said, and when i started first pass encoding, i saw that the video rate is 1kb/sec, and it stays that way for the entire movie. After its fisished encoding firstpass, i use wmp to view it, and it says "Class not registered". Any idea about the problem?
The 1st-pass creates a low quality video file that you delete later.The main function of the 1st-pass, is to create log files which tell the 2nd-pass where to allocate the most bitrate for action scenes etc.
If you follow the rest of the guide, through to the creation of the final file you will have a usable file.
I think you have made a mistake in the guide--Ont he last part, the picture stil shows 256kas the bit rate when of course, the GP32 can only handle 128. I am not talking abotu the 1stpass, but the 2nd pass or usable file.
It's no mistake. 256 is a good setting to use for many films that have a running time of 2 and half hours or less. With so many variables, its impossible to accurately predict final file size and sometimes you will need to drop that figure a little lower. I wouldn't go any lower than 200.

I too had taken it for granted that 128 was as high as things could go. You'll have to come along with me on this one :)

The process takes quite a long time, so I would try doing a small clip to show yourself that it works.
Wow, so a 256k bit rate playsfine with moviepak. I had no idea....well with your guide I changed the last pasrt back to 128, so thats probably why i didnt get good results. I will redo and tell how it looks
I tried this guide with Armageddon (DVD) and the final quality and size was amazing, the film is 147 mins long, yet following this guide it got it down to 125 easy and the quality was perfect :D
Trying it now with a SVCD disk, let you know how it goes when I have done it
1) this guide won't work for every movie
2) moviepark works randomly on 2 pass encoding
3) you can get the same quality using quantizers
I haven't tried every film, obviously, but all the ones I have tried have worked whilst using 2-pass.

In your guide on Gp32emu it says:

Keep in mind both Moviepark and Movielink have their limitations, and sometimes won't be able to play movies, even though you encoded them right (hopefully there aren't many of these, about 5% of what i encoded, which is still better than what the other applications offer).
It also states later:
A final note for this introduction : You will get better results if you compress your videos manually. But keep in mind that some videos, even if you encode them right, will not work
So no method is guaranteed to work 100%, but I guess I've been lucky because every film I have encoded for the GP has worked so far.

Getting anywhere near the same quality by adjusting quantizers is very tricky. You have to do a lot of testing to get something decent and the file will often be oversized.Some films will be oversized when doing a 2-pass encode too, but in most cases you will just need to reduce the bitrate to bring it in at a size which will fit.
or you can go beyond the gp and get 20gb of storage w/dvd like divx quality in mpg4 format:

i loved my gp solely for video till this bad mutha came out. :D

and btw...for $20 you can turn it into a camera/camcorder w/the lens addon, and supports vid in for digital recording on the fly B)

who can ask for anything more w/reguards for portable video? :lol:

and the overall size of the unit is significantly less than the gp32 :o
Thanks for the guide :) I never thought to do 2-pass, but I guess it will work fine. At the expense of a little processing time, you get a much better filesize. I will try this out when I convert Matrix Reloaded later :)
OK, I have a question!

Do you HAVE to use DivX 4.12? The quality in later (5.x) versions is much higher. V5 is also free of course, as long as you don't need the extra features (which probably wouldn't work on a GP32 anyway).
Nice guide Jim. I currently use a 1 pass set up that puts ~ 2hr 15 min of movie into ~90MB. Thequality is good and it leaves room for some simspons on the end. Im going to be tying your 2 pass method tonight but i only use cheep head phones for my movies so i tend to lower the quality of the sound on my vdubbings. With the 2 pass method should i use the same sound setting for both passes or high (as in your guide) for the 1st and my preffered setting (lower than the one in your guide) on the second?

Keep the same settings for your choice of audio for both the first and second-pass. The first-pass feeds the second-pass a lot of data and its expecting the same settings.
Snooty, what the means is, the DivX codec (currently at 5.05) can play movies of DivX 4 or 5 encoding. The DivX 4 coded can only play movies of DivX 4 encoding. It's only backwards compatible.
No, DivX 4 and 5 both produce ISO compliant MPEG4 files.

Any program that can play MPEG4 can be adapted to play both DivX 4 or 5 files in seconds. If a program can play DivX 4 but not 5, then that's either because it's out of date or the coder has some sort of personal issue with DivX 5.
Hmmm ive tired following the guide to encode the Mummy (2hrs 5 mins) the second pass result was 256MB very good quality but with very noticable motion blurr on most scenes. :(