Http:// - And Lazyreader


La vieille dame et les pigeons
Mar 16, 2004
North Wales, UK
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Sorry , you probably won't find this one of my more interesting reviews but if you like reading, I'm sure you will. I personally enjoy reading a lot and I think lying in bed with my FLU's light on and reading a good text is great. Also I know what you're probably thinking:
"Why the hell isn't he reviewing !reader?"
!reader is great from what it can do etc...
but it doesn't launch files on my gp32, if someone tells me what's wrong fair enough, otherwise I'm still ok with lazyreader.

Anyway I'll get on with my review of a magnificent collaboration of two very cool things;
LazyReader by Woogal
and onlineliterature

Online literature

This is an amazing site which my Dad introduced me to which include some great literary works. Well basically if you didn't already know literature written over 70 years ago loses its copyright and is legal to publish to whoever for no fee. Online-literature is a site full of literary legends from Britain and America, with the likes of:

William Shakespeare
probably the most famous literary icon in the English-speaking world
George Orwell
an amazing political writer who for a few years lived the life of a homeless man. His most famous works include "1984" and "Animal Farm"(also a brilliant animated film).
Bram Stoker
Author of the extremely famous novel "Dracula", a fictional story based on the truth.
Charles Darwin
The controversial author who wrote the revolutionary "Origin of the Species"
Edgar Allen Poe
A brilliant poet and short-story writer. My favorite of his poems is called "The Raven", check it out.
Charles Dickens
Victorian novelist, his most famous works include "A Tale of Two Cities" and "A Christmas Carol"(set in stone by the Muppet remake).
Oscar Wilde
An amazing comic writer who wrote the classic play "The Importance of being Earnest". His life became very hard when he was torn between his Lavender Marriage and his family because of his gay relationships which sadly cost him a prison sentence.

Well I hope that's enough great writers to get you on their site ;)
The site's very easy to navigate, I think the one downside is that you have to view things chapter by chapter, but you just have to have the patience to copy and paste.
The site's brilliant, it's worth a look.


A really helpful part of LazyReader is the ability to change fonts, it's great for people whose eyesight isn't brilliant. You can also play music whilst reading, this doesn't interest me though as I like complete peace whilst I read. while you read you can have the page constantly scrolling or you can just go stright onto the next page, this program really does the job for me. it's basically a .txt viewer. The best part is you caext page, this is what I prefer since the scrolling irritates me eyes.

Another brilliant feature of LazyReader is the fact that if you press start (which takes you to the menu) it automatically saves where you are and your font. This si great since it's basically a bookmark, it's also like a DVD player has to remember where a DVD was last stopped whereas a video tape will always be where it last stopped. Ironically sometimes technology has to come up with things to be the same as old things.

Anyway to the point...on with kknd_cf's usual review design:

Final Verdict

These two things are all you need if you want to enjoy classic English literature! No more buying books that might be awful etc...
OF course some people prefer having a book in their hand, I was like that but I've overcome it and digital reading is infact better since there's no page turning, my eyes are fixated on a small black and white screen in which imagining your dreams is that much easier.



How do I put this on my gp32?

Well basically download LazyReader then copy and paste all the chapters from a particular novel onto Notepad and save. Get your text from online literature and then put it in a folder in your root directory on your SMC called "Text". Then put LazyReader on your gp32 as it says in the readme and everything should be ok.
Anyway, have fun with this great app for your gp32, it really is ace!

Comments away!
A lot of Jules Verne and H.G.wells are also available, and make a good read :)

On a related note, has books in mp3 format you can listen to. they don't take up much room either. Not as well read as ones you pay for, but cool none the less. And it allows you to 'read' while working ;)
don't worry diablo. 98% of people pressed the 'back' button as soon as shakespeare was mentioned :P
Very nice review.

I posted a thread about the excellent text formatting tool interparse here. There's too much info to repeat here so just read that thread for some info on THE best text formatting tool there is. Perfect for those texts that you just can't get looking nice on your GP32 or PDA.
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