Please be more specific? what are you looking to learn? game/graphics programming? opengl? SDL? how to use Xorg? how to make makefiles? how to use GNU tools? the workflow?
Well game/graphics programming doesn't have much todo with linux, so to OpenGL and SDL, and you need to consider if it's even worth looking into Xorg (heard it's a little tricky) when you have SDL and what not.
Umm, so I dunno.
Anyhows for projects with more than one file I just make my own makefile

, I do the same in winxp (I use mingw32 (minimum gnu for windows)).
It might also help if you tell us what sorts of things you would like to make?
But yea, I know lots of things you could read, but you need to be more specific about what ya wanna learn or whatever.
antoher edit
Also, do you already program on other platforms, such as windows? what programming languages do you already know? and what sorts of things have you made already?
and another
If ya dunno where to start, then you can start by coding a basic hello world prog in C/C++ alike...
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
printf("hello world!\n");
return 0;
Then save as "whatever.cpp" and compile with g++ alike "g++ whatever.cpp -o whatever.out", and that's it. Well if you already know C/C++ then the only thing new to you might be compiling with g++.