Is it just me or is this your first post in Ages....

I swear I haven't seen you aroun here for months what happened?
Its a long long story. I will try and sum it up...
There was/is this development project that I worked on for years in windows, however I am a linux user, and the thought of droping to windows everyday to continue on this project just got less and less inviting. Eventually I didnt go there at all and progress on my project came to a halt. This is about the time I found the GP32, it was a great break, and in learning a more portable programming language (C++) so that I could make homebrew for the GP32, I was able to solve my original problem and port my project to a cross platform state and develop it solely in linux. In my eyes the GP32 earned its weight in gold, it gave me the desire, and drive, to continue my other project, which I am now doing in every minute of my spare time.