Any One Know Where I Can Get A Glass Screen.


Still Fresh
Nov 6, 2004
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Im getting my GP32 for christmas and all I want to know is were can I get one and if there are any links to a web sight that could tell me how to fit it.

I have searched around before making this post so im not lazy. The reason I asked is because I found a topic about the GP32 BLU having a slight yellow tint to it.

Thanks alot your help is much appreciated
I have a BLU and I think its the best handheld screen I've ever seen.
Mines not crooked, yellowed, or anything. The blue stuff doesn't rub off. I don't what they're talking about. I saw that thread.
Thanks alot for your help

If my screen was crooked I wouldn't care. I read its only about one degree off axis or something like that.

Again thanks, some of my fear has gone.
I'm also curious about the glass screen.

I'm getting a BLU from gp32z (jr2swiss's store), which is USA based. He also offers glass screen installs for $10 extra. So I was thinking about doing that.

Then again, plastic won't break easily if you drop it, whereas glass... *snap crackle pop*

I'll have to decide exactly what to buy this weekend tho, that's when the new BLU shipment comes in at gp32z.

Maybe we should have a poll of BLU users, to see how common the "yellow screen" issue is.
I have a BLU and I think its the best handheld screen I've ever seen.
Mines not crooked, yellowed, or anything. The blue stuff doesn't rub off. I don't what they're talking about. I saw that thread.

The pics below are as follows: the screen on the left is a spare glass one that I cut. The screen on the right is the one I took out of my BLU the day I got it.

It wasn't even used and as you can see it is very yellow. They are all like that too. The pic was not doctored at all except to cut the size down.

@ Prophet, yes you run the risk of cracking the glass if you drop it. You also can damage the unit too so don't drop it :D . The LCD screen (all LCDs are glass) on the Zodiac or any other device like this will break if dropped so it is no more risky than that. If standard window glass is used it is stronger than you might think, as the glass is made for a large window or door. When cut this small it can take even more pressure. I use 1/16" thick glass on my GP32 which is half of that thickness. I think it is worth the risk for me. The yellow also makes the screen slightly darker.

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Still looks great :D . I think it makes it better. Dunno, I haven't been staring at a blank white screen (I'm not a perfectionist unlike some people <_< jk). A glass screen probably does scratch less easily though. I just don't like the idea of it.
The filtered effect is probably there for a reason too (duh). It doesn't appear yellowed when its on the screen. Don't care what it looks like when its off the screen since I'm never gonna open it up.
The yellowish hue is from the compounds that refract the light in different wavelengths, or in otherwords, you dont get a bad glare. The FLU's seem to have the same effect.

It doesn't work that good for glare either though. It does work well for attracting smudges, scratches, and giving a yellow tint, I don't like it.
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I have a glass screen put on by Jr2Swiss, and I love it. While there is a glare, you can hold it at an angle where it doesn't show, and the beauty of the screen shows instead.
Then again, plastic won't break easily if you drop it, whereas glass... *snap crackle pop*

Curiously enough the glass screen actually offers more protection. If you hit the plastic screen , it will flex , and there's a good chance that you'll damage the LCD screen below. The replacement glass screens are very tough, scratch resistant, and much clearer than any plastic.
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I think i might stick with the plastic screen, id much rather have a yellow hue than glare. I remember owning a gameboy colour and I used to hate having to angle my self perfectly to see. I used to just play it in the bathroom as that was were I got the least glare.
the screen that comes with the gp32 is easily scratched and it smudges far too easily. when i have some spare cash i will definately get a glass screen
What to do, what to do.

Im so confused, I should do a poll, glass or no glass. But I won't cos thats stupid and ill get flamed.

How much would a glass screen cost, and where could I get one. Could I just cut any bit of glass to the right size. The guy accross my street fits windows he could make me one.
I'm also buying my gp32 from and i'm getting a glass screen with it. I chose to do so because i read some where that the normal gp32 screen scratches really easily and i've had some bad experiences with my gba and its screen being scratched (especially after letting my brother play it <_< ) so i desided to go for a glass screen on this one. Thats my opinion :D

... i still havn't got any confirmation of my order yet from gp32z though :( ...
I think i might stick with the plastic screen, id much rather have a yellow hue than glare. I remember owning a gameboy colour and I used to hate having to angle my self perfectly to see. I used to just play it in the bathroom as that was were I got the least glare.
I had that too with my old game boy, that is much worse than a yellow screen.
I have a flu, and I'm happy with the standard screen but it gets dirty very fast :angry:
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The screen doesn't scratch and smudge that bad since theres the thick grey rim.
Smudges are easily cleaned with cleaning stuff. I say get it the normal way, and a year or so later when it's all scratched up, send it in to be fitted with a glass screen.
Dust... :angry:

Now I'm not sure about the glass screen mod. I hate, HATE dust. My FLU drove me nuts because of the dust it collected under the screen.

I don't want that experience with my BLU.

Maybe I'll just buy my BLU with the normal screen, and get the glass screen on the side and do the mod myself if I decide the normal screens sucks. I'll do it Afterburner style, in the bathroom after running the shower for a while. Afterburner users know the drill. :P
Dust...  :angry:

Now I'm not sure about the glass screen mod. I hate, HATE dust. My FLU drove me nuts because of the dust it collected under the screen.

I don't want that experience with my BLU.

Maybe I'll just buy my BLU with the normal screen, and get the glass screen on the side and do the mod myself if I decide the normal screens sucks. I'll do it Afterburner style, in the bathroom after running the shower for a while. Afterburner users know the drill.  :P

I put the glass screen in mine and no more dust will get in with glass than plastic. The reason that the FLU got dusty is because of the hole they had to cut in the area near the screen let dust in. The only way that dust could get in is if the guy putting the screen in is not careful lets dust in when he is fitting it. Once you place the glass in it is sealed just like the plastic one, there is no difference. I think the smudgy scratchy screen will annoy you more than if a spec of dust got on during installation. Plus if it did you could always get the spec out your self with a clean fine paint brush. Another thing with the BLU, because it is backlit any small spec of dust is totally unnoticeable when the unit is on. With frontlit screens any spec will show up as the light shines directly at it rather than through it like on the backlit.

I have modded 4 BLUs (friends had me do it on theirs) so I have real experience with this. Another tip is put a narrow strip of tape around the edges of the glass and frame that it mounts to as an added seal just in the unlikely event that the glass should pull up slightly in an area. When you put the grey bezel back on you don't see the tape, it is totally hidden. I have seen the difference and for me the glass is far superior, and I am very picky about dust too.
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