Blue Angelo Box Art


Sep 23, 2003
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It's over at GP32News and, holy shit, it's heavily-styled after DBZ. Not so much the main blue dude, but everyone else on the box. Also, they finally gave the blue guy pupils which is a touch I think he needed.
argon0 you are new, im sure ^^ here the info:
(in spanish) its a game from a frenach company (shibuya)..the released was announceed for summer, but for some people (gamepark are slowwww) the game finally exits THIS MONTH.

where you can buy it? i suppose in lik sang, as always, and shibuya shop (has his own website),gbax,and other sites =)

its a side scroll plattaform game, like castlevania series (2d)
Yup, I knew about Blue Angelo from a while back (been here for about 16 months now...) I just wasn't sure it would be a straight forward platformer...

Argon0 <<<<<<<<<official site,ah! its in many languages (text in screen) (English, French, German, Italian and Spanish)

^^ buy it, for the gp32

edit: the online shop (there are many others, but its the "source)

shibuya france made this game, but shibuya its a part of a big company, shibuya international.
I'm really looking forward to this game. Possibly more-so than the next GBA Castlevania installment. I've just gotten bored with the story, look, and sound of those.
Yeah I was going to mention that just now the box art is basically traced DBZ art with altered faces and colors hopefully the ingame art is a little more original, honestly would it have not been easier to get some web artist to create somthing original?

I have a feeling though that should it have a decent english version it'll be my second commercial GP32 game purchase!