Drmd, New Version


I like turtles!
Sep 2, 2004
Dteuschland ;)
Wow, this is an impressive new release!
Full sound and speed!

Here are my suggestions for the next update:

1. Save States would be very nice! :)
2. The region auto change doesn`t really work. :(
3. How about a config file, that saves the button mapping and the clock speed?

Well thats about it. This is one of the best emulators the gp32 has, and the games playing at full speed and full sound is really nice for a second release.

Good work, and thanks for this great piece of software!
The config button selection doesn´t work.

It only lets you to select betwen the A.B or select button. R and L don't work.
The config button selection doesn´t work.

It only lets you to select betwen the A.B or select button. R and L don't work.

I was in a rush so I didn't have time to implement a complete system. I just wanted a way to move the "A" button somewhere else rather than the select button for games that need to have the "A" button pressed down for long periods. This is a problem with the BLU as it switches the light off and on. I'll add support to use any of the buttons in the next version.

The auto region select function is not very accurate at the moment, I need to do some more research into it in order to get it working. Again it was a rush job, and was only put in the emulator a few hours before the release.

With regard more cpu settings, I'll add more in the next version.

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My GP32 can only clock to 166, so I'm dead chuffed that this emulator does not need the extra Mhzs. 133Mhz is entirely playable and definitely an option for battery-life savers!
Yes the rendering on Fgen is lightning fast. Its will be interesting to see if it is still as fast when he's added z80 support.

At the moment he runs the M68K for the whole frame in one big block, which saves a shed load of opcodes. In order to get the z80 going he's going to have to run the Cyclone core line by line. So a rough guess he's looking at an extra 5240 opcodes per frame ( 262 lines * about 20 opcodes to start and stop the Cyclone core. Thats about 5240 extra opcodes ).

And thats just the extra opcodes for running the M68K line by line, he'll also have the z80 going line by line. Thats alot of extra opcodes. So like I said it will be interesting to see how fast it goes once he's added z80 support.
Yes the rendering on Fgen is lightning fast. Its will be interesting to see if it is still as fast when he's added z80 support.

At the moment he runs the M68K for the whole frame in one big block, which saves a shed load of opcodes. In order to get the z80 going he's going to have to run the Cyclone core line by line. So a rough guess he's looking at an extra 5240 opcodes per frame ( 262 lines * about 20 opcodes to start and stop the Cyclone core. Thats about 5240 extra opcodes )...
Yes, it will be interesting to see if fGEN maintains a work acceptable when Z80 is implemented to him, although with future optimizations of course the emulation will gain fluidity.

But I repeat, Good Work with your emu :-)

Ey Drumaster, I know wich 166 MHz low frameskip but... it also high battery consuption :-) ... anyway, thanks for the trick ;-)

Un Saludo.
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Wonderboy : Is not the quality the more important? :)

The compatibility is a lot better than fGen. :)

All my games work except Street Fighter II. :)
Wonderboy : Is not the quality the more important? :)

The compatibility is a lot better than fGen. :)

All my games work except Street Fighter II. :)
Of course, I also search quality/compatibility :-)

I only say wich in 133 MHz have a notorious frameskip buy I also know DrMD is notorious more compatible wich fGEN, ¡of course!, and it to do happy to me in examples as Out-Run show NICE (in fGEN show serious problems graphics).

I am very happy wigh DrMD, but also I desire that gets reach the Mega Drive real speed without frameskip with sound, if this is possible and Mr. Reesy wants... ¡of course! :-)

Mmmm is true, Street Fighter II serie don't work... nothing important after of the more of 4.000 games of the Mega Drive collection... ¡Yeah! :-D

Finally, I recommend a game to you:
Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair
The Music is wonderful in this game
(specially the organ sound of the round 2 (selva/forest) :-)

Un Saludo.
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1. The region auto change doesn`t really work (someone said that before)

2. There are shadow problems in some games (virtual fighters, Dr. Robotnic...)
the shadow has a lighting green colour!! <_<

3. A 160 mhz clock speed would be great for me because my gp can't handle 166!

Now i can play games like Beyond Oasis!! but I need a save state support please!!!