I Got All The Tools To Install The Free Launcher


Still Fresh
Jul 30, 2004
well i read what u said a i have the tools for drak faders site an im reading the help on emu page but im stuck what does this mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IRC client, connect to EFNet and join #GP32. Now enter the following, !encrypt PDUID free_launcher, so for example if your PDUID was 12345678965489653216548354532 you would enter the following.

!encrypt 12345678965489653216548354532 free_launcher

NOTE: Do not use the above example PDUID when giving the information on the channel. Use your own GP32 PDUID only! You will be kicked from the channel if you use the above example ID so dont do it!

how do u connect to efnet ?????? coz after this i have a free launcher agian and i can get on and flash the fookin thing and never have to post here again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!111


go to www.mirc.com and download the latest version of the program mIRC.
in window "connect" in the options choose a nice nickname and enter what you like in real name and e-mail adress. press ok.
now in that white or black windows you have type the following:

/server irc.efnet.net -j #gp32

Wait a bit until you're in #gp32.
type following:
!encrypt 12345678965489653216548354532 free_launcher

BUT, the noumber i showed you IS NOT your numebr you have to use, so instead of the number ive given you enter your own PDUID!
I dont remember the tool which shows you your pduid though... check dakrfaders site ....

or ask for help in #gp32 there are also people there, but dont get on their nerves please...