Pandora/Pyra Panic! Godot Edition - Collaborators Wanted


Founder of Pirate Games - Penjin Coder
Staff member
Dec 8, 2005
I have already posted that I'm playing around with Godot and there has been some effort (by @KidPaddle ) to try and get Godot running on Pyra

This is just really to gauge interest more than anything atm, but would anyone be up for Pyra Panic! I already have a tiny bit of progress in converting the original PandoraPanic! code into Godot scenes. I'm thinking I could tidy up what I have already and chuck it on github etc.


For an idea of what this is, here is the trailer for the original Pandora version:

Added Scoring APIs:

Mini game scenes to be placed in res://Games/ folder.

Please help with any of the current issues:

PandoraPanicGD Repo:
Original PandoraPanic Repo:
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For those of us who are uninitiated, would you mind giving a brief summary of what exactly Godot and Panic! are? IIUC, Godot is an open source graphics engine or something?
For those of us who are uninitiated, would you mind giving a brief summary of what exactly Godot and Panic! are? IIUC, Godot is an open source graphics engine or something?

PandoraPanic! was a collaboration effort to make a minigame collection similar to WarioWare for the Pandora. It started before Pandora was released and tested by @Pickle on his dev unit and managed to be ready for the first run of Pandora's heading to customers.
I duck-taped together a framework and asked anyone to submit a game irrespective of programming proficiency and then integrated the minigames and ran code reviews and memleak checks, etc.

Godot is an opensource game engine which follows many principles I had in mind when trying to develop my own games engine. It very nicely separates code into Scenes and nodes and uses a python-like scripting language.
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I cant code (well not really) but a pyra panic! would be very cool :D
The premise would be the same as PandoraPanic! all hand on deck - either code a game from scratch or try porting one of the original mini-games from PandoraPanic!

PandoraPanic! was a collaboration effort to make a minigame collection similar to WarioWare for the Pandora. It started before Pandora was released and tested by @Pickle on his dev unit and managed to be ready for the first run of Pandora's heading to customers.
I duck-taped together a framework and asked anyone to submit a game irrespective of programming proficiency and then integrated the minigames and ran code reviews and memleak checks, etc.

Godot is an opensource game engine which follows many principles I had in mind when trying to develop my own games engine. It very nicely separates code into Scenes and nodes and uses a python-like scripting language.
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The premise would be the same as PandoraPanic! all hand on deck - either code a game from scratch or try porting one of the original mini-games from PandoraPanic!
Right! Sounds like something that would be pretty nice to have and valued by the community, especially by members who already have/d a Pandora :)
I've reviewed what I had already started and it looks like I last worked on it using Godot 2. I'll have to bring it up to date and fix some bugs migrating it to Godot3.
Thanks for the positive response all!
Pyra Panic would be cool, and this time whit Move Controll as i can remember whe have now some more Sensors ^^
The Pandora Panic was quite cool ^^
We'll see how that goes - I guess it's possible but I need to get the basics up and running properly first! xD

Naming? PandoraPanic! with the Pandora crossed out and Pyra overlayed?
Would be a cool Naming Idea, allthough whe need something that works whit the Pyra Debian File System as its needs a
File ^^
OK Bit of an update!
Firstly I broke my toe! OUCH! so that put a halt on all plans at first but now it's getting a lot better!

Next I reviewed a bit more closely what I ad up and running and I didn't really like it. I've decided to start again and tried to do things a little more cleanly and carefully.
Long story short I've remade the title screen and menu in Godot 3.4 and pushed it onto the below git repo:

PandoraPanicGD Repo:

Next steps for me are getting the mini game switching working both in ordered and random modes. I also need to setup the mini games Win/Lose and scoring API and then I'll continue porting the existing mini-games.

If you want to help port the existing mini games or want to submit a (however simple) mini game, you can either send me a zip or submit it on git. Godot should make it even easier this time as you can edit your mini game as a single scene.
Note I'm keeping things at 800x480 to allow porting the original games.

NOTE: The original source to PandoraPanic! is located here:
Another update from the latest commit:

  • Mini game switching now working
  • Added Scoring APIs:
  • Minigame scenes to go in "res://Games/" folder
  • Two example "games" provided.
Full Notes:
- Removed duplicate SceneManager file.
- Relocated Menu eum for better scoping.
- Changed looping to manually controlled to allow detcting when to show
main menu.
- Cleaned up attractmode code by usingsetget keyword and backing
- Linked menu options Panic, Ordered and quit to their functions.
- Updated SceneManager to work more specfically with the idea of
- Added logic for selecting a random mini game.
- Added logic for selecting sequential mini games and wrapping around.
- Added 2 example mini "games"
- Added placeholder Cheevos API
- Added Score API with GameWin and GameLose calls.
Another update:
  • Plander mini game has win and lose conditions and mostly feature complete - fixed particles (Some bugs but basics are there)
  • Added BadVista mini game - Has win condition but currently no lose condition
If you want to help out, then feel free to make/port a mini-game. I'll try and make time to write up some documentation. I have one more mini game that's almost ready and then I'll start raising some issues on github that anyone interested could take on.
Hopefully with two example mini- games anyone who wants to could help out. :)

Hrm just wanted to check in how that was, been ages since i last played that. But somehow the pnd wont start.
Can you upload actual builds for pc once they work?
Hrm just wanted to check in how that was, been ages since i last played that. But somehow the pnd wont start.
Can you upload actual builds for pc once they work?
I just tried the original pnd on my Pandora and it's working ok and I haven't seen any other non-working complaints. I suggest you delete and redownload from the repo.

If you want builds for this, then yes Godot is multi-platform so it's straightforward to do Win or Linux exports. Just install the Godot engine and add the project to the projects lists to get started and if you feel like it play around with the code and contribute! ;)
Might be a broken pnd, yea. With my network speed it takes however several hours to get a new download.

Okey ive looked into the example code, i dont think i wanna deal with that.
But i do want to create minigames too so as i write this i am about to make my own wario ware clone

As of now this is a contest, i would like however to see the same games created in different frameworks here.
Which pnd? I can't find any pnd that's been released apart from the original pandorapanic written in something C-like. But this thread is primarily meant to be about the new godot edition.

But yeah, marioware style games (games that are pretty obvious and generally last about 5 seconds) are what's being asked of us here I think, although if they could be themed for the pandora or pyra that'd be good. My idea for a simple game is where there's a static pandora or pyra up top and down below there's an SD card scrolling left and right. You need to press a button when the SD card is lined up with one of the slots, so that it goes up and gets installed into the unit. It's a spin on the original game where there's a man's face up top and a scrolling finger, and you need to press the button so that he puts his finger up his nose.
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And to display a pyra on the pyra screen? Yo dawg!

Yea i meant the pnd on the repo. I dunno why it fails. Investigating pending.
Edit: Actually you cannot see the slots from the top, and if tilted you cannot insert a card. So how would that work?