GP32 Controler stick.....


May 31, 2003
Is it me, or is this stick incredibly sensitive? Im having trouble using it properly fro games such as rick dangerous etc, and especially nibbler!

Does anyone else have similar problems?

If not, what can I do about it?

If so, then I think some re-designing neds to be done! :rolleyes:
;) i must admit for me its my second favourite controller stick on a portable .. my favourite being the neo geo pockets which i thought was just well great. I found it much easier to use and i always find the hand using the controller stick never gets cramped or tired.
Kai posted on May 31 2003 said:
If so at then I think some re-designing neds to be done! :rolleyes:
Huh? :blink:

The GP32 "stick-pad" was the most pleasant surprise when I unpacked the thing. Just wonderful. You guys apparently never had a real digital joystick with proper microswitches. I never understood what's so great about these crappy joypads, except the price (= great for the manufacturer, that is...)

And now some of you are complaining that the microswitches are too loud?! That's like complaining about the noise of nice, crunchy potato chips/crisps. Some things just have to be loud to be good. Joysticks and keyboards are among them.
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Yeah - the NGPC stick was THE best controller EVER made for a portable system, and the GP32 stick is almost the same. It takes some getting used to at first, I recall that on my NGPC too. But once you do you realize why it's far superior to those miserable cross pads on Gameboy.

Accurate, sturdy and PAINLESS. I love the GP32 stick!

Also, because the stick IS so accurate and sensitive, programmers need to be more responsible, that's all. If you play most emulated games they control so good with the stick because those original programmers knew what they were doing. Just try some GPengine or something.

Is it perfect? No - the NGPC stick was perfect, the GP32 one is slightly looser. So it's nearly perfect. :) Close enough for me, especially compared to my GBA SP's cross pad of pain. Ever try holding a direction for any period of time on the GBA SP? It's not fun at all. GP32 it's no problem.
I've never playe dthe PCEngine. Is the emulater any good? if so I'll get it and try it out...

what games would ou reccomend for it?
Thanks. Im on it now :)

EDIT: I cant find any ROMS anywhere! I keep finding foreign pages and cos I can't read foreign, I dont know what I'l be clicking on!
D'oh! I just want some sweet games! And of course, Bomberman ;)
I cant find any ROMS anywhere! ...
Don't start a topic about GP32 controller sticks, then change the subject. Instead post a topic with all your Qs so people know what to expect when they click the topic.

As for ROMs, trooper wisely put it. There are too many sources to count, from IRC, FTP, Bittorrent to edonkey, gnutella, kazaa ... frankly I can't see how you -can't- find them.
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would it be possible to mod the gp32 to use a NGPC stick?
i know it probably isnt but i dont have a NGPC currently to
examine the possibility