Annoying Single Pixel That Won't Go Away!


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Sep 19, 2004
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I just got my gp32 yesterday and I'm *very* pleased with it, so far i've managed to get most things working correctly without too much fuss.

However as I tried more things I noticed that theres a weird single pixel in the upper top left region of the screen that stays the same colour (bright pink) all the time and does *not* go away, even after a power off. Its not a major problem, but it is beginning to get very annoying as its very noticable when the screen is dark, like in a game title screen for instance.

I just bought the gp32 from and I can't fault them on delivery and the quality of the extras cd they supplied, but i *am* however annoyed that this problem has appeared almost 'right of the box'. What is it and is there ANY way to get rid of it as it will continue to bug me until its truly banished.

If anyone can offer any help, please do!


P.s. Heres a shot of what it looks like....

Can anything be done about it? Seems a bit crappy that i've got one as soon as i've turned it on. :(
I THINK that a dead pixel doesn't enter in the warranty. So, i think, you've gotta survive with that :(

A friend of mine, bought an LCD monitor. It had a dead pixel too, and BENQ said to him that they can't change the monitor. He tried in the shop where he bought it and the same shit. We're talking of 300 euros aprox.

EDIT: 300 euros aprox. are 360 USA dollars.
Craig posted something about this a while ago, each comapany has a different amount of pixels before it can be changed. I would search for it but this pc is sooo slow :(
it certainly looks like single pixel death. its very common in GBASP's and your stuck with it, but the pixels in the sp are bigger than the GP so it could be worse.
Holy crap SlipKoRn, How can they get away with that? (The 300 euro monitor i mean) You know i waaayy prefer my gp32 to my gba, but the gba didn't have any dead cells when i turned it on, and still doesn't! (admittedly coz i haven't played it that much, hehe ;) )

In any case, the gp32 has far surpassed my expectations so far, its amazing. Although i would have liked to have sorted this :)
my laptop has a dead pixle that lights up Green.. pisses me off for the first 5 mins out use then u dont notice it :D
When the screen is bright its fine, I don't notice it. But as soon as its dark it kinda catches your eye. Its weird in space shooters too, you can see all the stars passing in the background except one, which doesn't budge lol.
Alas gamepark will not replace it unless I think its 3 or more are dead, this is standard practice with TFT screens of any kind, some manufacturers say 6!

Hey Craig, thanks for the quick delivery service btw. For the record, I bought my gp32 after seeing the ad in Retrogamer. I thought it was a bit too good to be true until i found all the fan and emulator development sites. The CD that came with it was great as well, saved me tons of time. :)
fade posted on Sep 19 2004 at 04:29 PM said:
That must have been quite a hassle, did you have trouble getting them to do it?

On the 3rd exchange at 'Future Shop' they told me that they would not exchange it again if it had a dead pixel so I asked for my money back. I asked them if anybody else had returned them because of this problem and they replied that most people don't care or notice them.

I decided to go to a different store 'Zellers' and asked the guy behind the counter if I could examine the GBA for dead pixels before buying it. The guy had no idea what I was talking about, told me I was confusing him and said I had to buy it and get it exchanged if it was defective. The 2 units they had in stock both ended up having dead pixels. I was able to get my money back.

I then decided to go check out 'Best Buy'. Picked one, checked it when i got in the car and it had dead pixels. When I returned to exchange it they told me I could open every box until I found one that didn't have dead pixels. Sweet :P . The second unit I tested; to my amazement, was pristine!
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My old Windows 3.1 laptop has half a screen of dead pixels/a bad screen connector. (It turns lots of interesting colors when you move the screen, but most of the time it's just black with little white lines.) ;)
ProgFrog, thats the kind of thing i usually prefer to do aswell, a lot of high street shops here in the UK give you any old excuse just to leave them alone after a sale if you're trying to get satisfaction for a defective product.

I saw a friend of mine barred from a branch of Game because he asked why the price of Xbox's in Game were £10 more expensive than anywhere else. The manager happened to be the guy he was asking and he didn't like the question. My mate wasn't being awkward, he simply thought u might get an extra controller or something.

When the guy kept avoiding the question and finally told him he was barred, my mate pulled out his wallet and showed the guy £400 in cash that he was about to spend in there and stated he was now no longer interested.

The guy's face totally changed after that. :lol: