I gather your pro hunt from this list of comments if not correct me on thischrisnic0 posted on Sep 17 2004 at 04:46 PM said:1 - Good 4 u
2 - U were preaching bollocks that veggie are healthier
3 - Respect as in street cred? Or like Forum cred. Ive got about as much respect for you as I have 4 the fox thats just got decapitated by an angry hound.
4 - Are they fags? It was a general statement. might be true might not.
5 - Im 20. idiot
6 - Yes i am
7- FUCK OFF. Wow seriously that was the best comeback ever damn im offended, and really hurt.
How about you sit on a dildo?
Now im not anti-hunting but i am anti posh bastards on horses chasing a helpless fox. Sorry if that offends anyone who goes hunting but the majority of huntsman i have seen ineterviewed etc have not been the farmers who's livestock the foxes kill but some elegantly spoken chap/lady on a horse who's primary goal is to chase a fox to death and go home when the parties over.
Foxes are a pest to farmers, and yes farmers do sometimes need to take action against them this should done using the following measures in my opinion:
1)Buying a nice accurate air rifle/rifle or shotgun.
2)Loading the gun.
3) Locating the fox,
4) Finally killing the fox with a clean shot to the head so it did not suffer at all.
I fully understand that foxes can destroy the livlehoods of farmers in the countryside but this doesn't need a large group of people to dress up and chase a fox till it's dead. Hunting dates way back and you will find that it was a past time of our kings and queens, if a common man/peasant/surf was ever caught hunting he would be killed/hung/beheaded etc, doesn't sound like a good past time to me.
Hope i've made myself clear and please do feel free to have a go at me but those are my views and im gonna stick by them.
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