256 MB SMC Working...

I sure hope they come out with a 256MB smc.!! :rolleyes:
I also asked a few specific questions about the hardware, and discovered that the GP32 will indeed support larger Smart Media Cards, the system's software medium, as they are released. However the compatibility depends entirely on the manufacturer. According to Gamepark anything from Samsung Electronics should be fully functional with the GP32.
Hold up, standing aside from the 256Mb flash cards.... is that article talking about a new GP32????

Dunno how old it is...was that working up to the current GP as it is or is that flip screen one in the making now :blink:

if so.... wow
:huh: I saw something over the samsung website few minutes ago... but as I could not get any pictures and only got tech specs about nano-chip I'm not sure... anyway... I was googling the net for 256mb smc card and I got only the 128mb... this sux.. if anyone knows where I can find it... ;)
this is what that spanish translates to:

"The new and good news! A long time ago law a commentary in which somebody, nose that, decia that were possible to use SMC 256 whenever outside 3,3v. Then, despues to think it much, decidi to buy a SMC to me of 3,3v, probe and the result was favorable! Finally I can record everything what wants. I recommend to you that you compreis one of these cards, pue does not have lost some (although something pages are). Greetings and already you will count in the forum "
Yes the article on insercredit is from last year and they talk about the GPi which is quite interesting. Even now some people in the GP community said that Nintendo copy this ideas for their GBA SP ;-)
WHERE?! Where are these fabled cards?

I think it's bullcrap. I just searched Samsung ( http://www.samsung.com/Products/Semiconduc.../datasheets.htm ) and the biggest size Smart Media is 128MB.

I think someone is just jerking GP32 fans around. I need to know if this is really true or not because I want to buy more SMC's and I'd prefer 256MB if they exist.

Maybe the GP32 Xtreme staff can find out for sure?
Hello all,


These guy's list a spec for 3.3V SMC's going up to 256Mb. However, they are only sell SMC's upto 128MB. Some more info:-

3.3V voltage.
Capacity : From 4 MB to 256 MB. :o
Full Compatible with the SSFDC Forum.
Embedded ECC (Error Correction Code).
Low Power Consumption.
Super Thin as a Credit Card, Super Small, Non-Volatile Memory.
For Digital Camera, PDAs, Mp3, Laptops, etc.
Smart Media Adapter (Optional).
Conforms to PC Card 95 Standard, PC ATA, Card Interface.
Conforms to 8-bit/16-bit Access.
Size : 45*37*0.76mm
No. of Pins : 22pins
It doesn't say if they are 3.3V or not. I reckon craig from GBAx is the man to look into this. I could certainly do with one, the whole of lord of the rings on one disk, that would be great...
When searching, remember to look for both "smart media" and "smartmedia". Some places list it as a single word.


Ok, I looked ALL OVER THE PLACE for over three hours! I found nothing. NOTHING!!! I found an old 2002 article saying the tech was available, it just needed to be cheaper to be mass-produced. I found an SMC adapter for the GBA that also made the system movie capable (damn them!). I found the company that makes colour and TRANSPARENT (!!!!!!) SMCs. I found a billion interesting things out there, and all I got in return was a headache! Sometimes I lament that Gamepark had chosen to use CompactFlash cards instead... <_<