Speed Of Gp32/128mb Smc/mem Upgrade


Still Fresh
Oct 26, 2005
Hi, just registerd to this fine forum and have a few questions....

First off i just bought a GP32 FLU from ebay for £47 boxed and in A1 condition

1)Anyway i see a lot about the gp32 running stock at 133mhz and you may or may not get it to run at 166mhz, well i have had mine run at 221mhz or stable and playing fine without crashing but does this speed realy make a difference to how it performes for emulators? and does anyone else get these speeds?

2)secondly, is it true that you can only get smc's upto 128mb to work on the gp32? has anyone tryes a higher mb like 256 or even a gig?

3)lastly, i am looking to upgrade my gp32 from its 8mb to either 32 or 64mb, preferably the 64mb same as the gp2x, has anyone else here done this and if so did you find it easy to do?

And also what software/emulators take advantage of this extra memory? and would any GP2x software fun on a modded gp32 with the high speed and 64 mb memory? cause apart from the dues cpu the modded gp32 is the same...

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A lot of questions i know but if anyone can help with even one then please reply..

oh and is there a working emulator of the amiga (not the demo thingy) or GBA that can play any games to speed...

cheers...................... paul ..... AIM paul26000
1/lucky you :o if you wanna see the difference, try and check :P

2/SMC above 128MB need a 5v supply, the GP32 only uses 2 AA batteries so no 5v :P

3/ it's about replacing soldered ram chips so i would not call it "easy" at all :P

but keep in mind that GP32 and GP2x are 2 DIFFERENT SYSTEMS

you will NOT run nintendo DS games on any of them neither for example :P
1) Run at whatever speed works for you. Higher speed means better frame rates/less frameskip and shorter battery life.

2) 128MB is the biggest SMC available. Larger capacities do not exist.

3) See my website, www.cobbleware.com, it's got that information. It's not easy. To my knowledge there are about 6 memory-expanded GP32s in existence, and there is NO software that makes use of the extra memory.

GP2X programs will never run on a GP32, no matter how modified. If you think that "cause apart from the dues cpu the modded gp32 is the same...", then you are either misinformed, or smoking crack :)

Amiga and GBA emulators are not well supported on GP32. Whether they will be on GP2X remains to be seen.

Please have a look at the site before posting, you've put this in the wrong forum and a quick use of the search function would have answered all of your questions.

Nonetheless, welcome to the community and I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun with your GP32!
nik166 posted on Oct 27 2005 at 09:01 AM said:
2/SMC above 128MB need a 5v supply, the GP32 only uses 2 AA batteries so no 5v :P
Oh come on nik166, this is just plain wrong. The legend of 5V-only SMCs bigger than 128MB has persisted for some reason, even though it's been proven to be an urban myth.

Samsung only ever assigned ID numbers for SMC up to 128MB. Even if cards bigger than 128MB existed, no software, anywhere, would be able to use them.

There have been reports of websites selling (say) 256MB SMC, but whenever anyone's actually tried to buy them, it's been found to be a mistake.

Can we quit with this myth please? The biggest SMC available is 128MB. And in a couple of years, no more SMCs will be available at all :)

And by the way, it's simple to get 5V from 2 AA batteries, with a switching power supply. The GP32 has a 5V supply inside it, it's just not used for the SMC.
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thank you for your replys, the reason i thought you could get a bigger smc is cause of the new gp2x and here where they are selling the gp2x it says add 40 bucks for a 1 gig card

So then i take it the new gp uses a different sort of media?

Hey robster it must have been you i emailed the other day to ask about modding my gp32, if no software supports it and probably never will then i guess there is no point!!