Gp32 As A Joypad?


Jan 5, 2004
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I just went to Gamikaze and found an interesting news line!

FireFly seems to have made a programme that lets you use your GP32 as a Joypad on your computer.



that means, we can now play Tales of Phantasia and Star ocean with our beloved GP32´s :P !
Just tried build 6 on my Win98SE box. Works like a charm! :D So glad somebody finally went ahead and did this. Is very handy indeed whenever I'm at someone else's place and need a second gamepad. :)
I am wondering though at what clockspeed this is running. To be able to give an estimate of battery life. Because it's pretty much a very powerful gamepad, needing 2 AA batteries to function. :P
Deleted User posted on Aug 15 2004 at 03:58 PM said:
yay. an use the gba emu on my pc wil proper-ish layout
oh yeah, compleatly forgot about that. will try.
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woogal posted on Aug 15 2004 at 03:25 PM said:
Build 5 was running at the default clock speed. I'm not sure if Firefly changed that in build 6.
The current version (build 6) does not change the clock speed of the GP32. This means that depending on how you launched the FXE (Free Launcher, European firmware, etc.) the clock speed might be different. The next version (build 7?) will probably clock down the GP32 to the lowest speed technically possible in order to save battery life.
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I was wondering does Geepee32 support joysticks cos we could test the controls natively for testing purposes.
This doesn't work for me. :( Neither does GPDrive; they both give an identical "USB Device Not Recognized" error in XP.

Is that because I never installed the GP32 driver that comes with PC Link (I never use PC Link, only a card drive)?
Great News.
Little Fighter 2 is more fun than before with my GP-Controller.
Well done Firefly :)

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