Open Pandora (faulty LCD Cable) 1 GHZ


Still Fresh
Mar 11, 2011


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Purple tint of death and already 650 in price? Madness!
Purple tint of death and already 650 in price? Madness!

Can you tell me what price the bidding starts at? Also, in my description, did I not also mention that I'm open to taking "best offers"? If someone pays 650, kudos to me but that is more so a safeguard for me. Do I expect to get 650 for this console? Absolutely not, but after all, eBay is a business and there are always final value fees that are assessed.It is a unique and functioning console. With essentially it's only flaw being a faulty LCD Cable.

There is another pandora on eBay with lower specs (rebirth edition) with a starting bid around $365. Is this madness because the bidding starts off over $150 more than mines?

If you want to berate this post with "madness" then I def don't need your feedback. This is for serious inquiries and people who are willing to make a serious offer.
You'll get the best offer if nobody does 'buy it now' and the auction completes, I think. Do you mean you'll also accept offers in this thread? I'm not sure how that would work out to be honest, especially if the auction price subsequently exceeded the thread price.

I'm afraid I'm saving my money at the moment for a Pyra purchase, and meanwhile my Pandora limps on. Besides, your ebay page suggests you might not ship to me, which is fair enough. Good luck finding other purchasers though!
If you want to berate this post with "madness" then I def don't need your feedback.
Which one? Your top post, or your reply to me?
Don't take it personal; I was only hinting that somebody bid that high (almost full retail price) for 2DS-Pandora... but you go and attack me.

starting bid around $365.
Yeah, that's above the price of a Rebirth. That's not madness.. that's funny... He gonna need about three fifty....
650 for that, with broken lcd cable,
You will never sell that at that price and you will never ever get it repaired coz theres no more lcd cables left. Greedy man.
Phew, I was scared !
Anyway, for those reading, my LCD cables are for Paris RMA repairs only.
Well, 200 ones from the last batch were broken, and the manufacturer wanted to produce them together with the Pyra LCD Cables (as they use the same material).
So yes, we'll hopefully get some more.

This is good :cool:
Well there's one day left on the auction part of this and it's currently at the starting bid of $200 with no bids. I guess as ever most Ebay action takes place in the last couple of minutes before it closes, but maybe there's a chance of a cheap Pandora for you USians here.
So, I forgot to check this before the bidding ended, but looking at it now the auction seems to have been cancelled. The page seems to suggest he got no bids before it was cancelled, but not having an ebay account I'm not sure it's giving me the full information. Can anyone with an ebay account shed more light on what happened since about this time yesterday, if ebay shows you that?
It said "cancelled because of an error in the listing." which is one of ebay's choices on the pulldown menu for when the seller wishes to cancel an auction.
Hello everyone. I cancelled the listing to basically reformat the description and lower the buy it now price. And yes, any one willing to provide a best offer here I will take into consideration.

To Fbnil, didn't mean to make you feel like I was attacking you. That's totally my bad.

I'm not sure if eBay's policy changed but best offers are not allowed on eBay if it's being paired with an auction. So I cancelled to lower the price down to 400 for the buy it now. Only this time, everything will be included. Including the 2 128gb sd card.

To aholmes, I had no intentions of greed. As I said on my first post that I was willing to take into consideration best offers. And in my second post I also stated that I never had any intentions of ever receiving 650. Either way, it's back up and posted on eBay.

You guys have always been a good community here so I def don't want to offend anybody here. I've relied on these forum for so many of my Pandora needs.

I've also been busy with work for the holiday season. I work as a store manager, so I've spent the last 14 out of 15 days in December working 10+ hour days. I finally have a day off so I'm finally able to repost the listing. If you guys have any questions, just give me a shout. You can pm if you'd like and I'd be more than happy to exchange numbers.

Thank you and happy holidays!
[doublepost=1513398013,1513397594][/doublepost]Here the link to the relisting. Same auction price. Lower buy it now price. Any question, feel free to ask!
Sorry about the revival, I don't know if I can quote in a new thread.

Well, 200 ones from the last batch were broken, and the manufacturer wanted to produce them together with the Pyra LCD Cables (as they use the same material).
So yes, we'll hopefully get some more.

Any chance to get a redesign or anything of the sort to make it more durable?
I'm planing on getting a Pyra when ready, but I wouldn't want to have to dispose of my Pandora just because there will be no more LCD cables if the rest of the hardware is still fine. It would be nice to be able to keep it as a back up lower system (e.g. Pyra for work/study matters; Pandora for lower end retro-gaming)
The latest japanese version of the cable (black ribbon), is quite strong, don't worry for its durability.
I have an old Pandora first edition with broken lcd cable,
Could I expect replacing it? I see no more lcd cable on dragonbox shop, any advice?
I have a 1GHz model, but I will be happy to make anything else that repair parts with the first model...
Ps: excuse my bad english