Release Trojita Email Client - Super Fast

make j4 -Wno-narrowing
did not work..breaked @ the same 57%

i will try
make j4 -Wno-narrowing -fno-single-precision-constant

This -fno-single-precision-constant break here with
no rule to make Target ´no-single-precision-constant´

Edit Edit:
Tried it with make j4 -Wno-narrowing -no-single-precision-constant
..did not worked too
Last edited:
try with
CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -Wno-narrowing -no-single-precision-constant" make

If it's a simple Makefile project.
If it's based on autotools (./configure), cmake or qmake, it will not works like that.
and nope again..i give up with this Software :$
But thank you for your Hints ;)
So soon?! Common, try harder.

This one looks CMake based. So use
ccmake .
to start the insteractive cmake. Then type 't' to go to advanced settings.
Now change CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS to add the 2 flags
Also, I advise you change the install prefix to '/mnt/utmp/trojita' or what ever it was in previous PND.
then type 'c' to reconfigure.
f all goes well, type 'g' to generate Makefile.
You can now
again and this time it should work.
ok i gave it a last Try and
Wow this Time it realy worked..
..Thank you :)
Good :)

The packaging will be a bit tricky because it's a Qt software. take a working PND as an example to be sure to put everything in place.
This is how far i had come.
It say ever an Error with xcb Plugin.
All Files should be on the Right Place in the plugins Folder.

I think its only a little Command Correction and it should work.
But i go to bed for this Day..

This is my
set -a
export pwd=$(pwd)
export PATH="$pwd/bin:${PATH:-"/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin"}"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pwd/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:-"/usr/lib:/lib"}"
export QTWEBKIT_PLUGIN_PATH="$pwd/plugins"
export QT_PLUGIN_PATH="$pwd/plugins"
exec bin/trojita "$@"
the copy_libs script doesn't copy any Qt plugins.
The plugins are not in the "lib" folder. There are in "/mnt/utmp/codeblocks/qt5/plugins" (for Qt5 of course) and should be copied by hand in the root of your pnd.
Again, look at a working Qt PND to see the folder to copy and the variable to export in the runscript (use Otter or Qupzilla for example).
Hi here is the new PND for Download:

It just do not find some Libs @ the Start...
..i give up with this PND maybe some others can correct this.
All important Files should be in that PND..even the QT Libs.

But when anyone correct this PND please Post the Error what i did wrong for me to learn ;)