
The treamcast is a dreamcast with a new case so the LCD hindges can be attached to the case thats all.

It will do everything a DC can do so it will lay beats of rage :)

Nothing is different hardware wise besides the LCD thats it so its fully compatiable.

If you do plan on getting one I'd hurry up because as I recall vendors had legal issues with Sega to deal with when selling this product outside of China (where it was originally illegally "invented"). ;)
I heard that too, there are alot of extreme copyright issues, I hope it is not illegal to own a Treamcast...
The Treamcast uses the PSone LCD screen. I'm not sure how the Dreamcast video out works but if I remember correctly it uses a digital -> component decoder. If they managed to find a way to bypass the decoder and just wire the thing up so it's a pure digital -> digital connection, the LCD screen looks amazing. Otherwise it'll look like a miniature CRT TV (slightly blurry due to analog signal loss).
Indeed sega can't do anything as it is a real DC inside there with a new case.

I think its a bit expensive and is only a collectors thing - the case it comes in and accessories are very nice mind.

The screen isn't TFT so in fast action it can get a bit blurry - you could build your own treamcast with a second hand DC and a £80 TFT screen, but it would not be quite as small or neat.

It does play any CD just like the Dreamcast so you can use all the homebrew.

if you realy want to know what one is then look on liksang they did a review on it. i dont think it is a real dream cast because you can play any format on it. i think some people should get there facts straight befor opening there mouths in future.

the beav
GBA_lover posted on Jul 18 2004 at 01:26 PM said:
if you realy want to know what one is then look on liksang they did a review on it. i dont think it is a real dream cast because you can play any format on it. i think some people should get there facts straight befor opening there mouths in future.

the beav

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GBA_lover posted on Jul 18 2004 at 02:26 PM said:
i think some people should get there facts straight befor opening there mouths in future.
Hypocrite :lol:
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