Software Sonic Triple Trouble Game Gear Rom


Jun 16, 2016
Preface: On a classic Pandora

Problem: Only SMS/GG rom I can't get it to run properly is Sonic Triple Trouble. I've tried getting the rom from multiple sources. I've tried using the following emulators:

MDemu (latest)

No matter the source of the rom or emulator the colors are dodgy and sprites aren't where they should be which makes it unplayable. I realize this is a very specific issue concerning a seemingly unimportant rom, but as a child of the 90s with a pocket emulator desperately trying to relive his childhood I'd like to get it working.

Things I've tried: unzipping zipped roms. Renaming .gg to .sms and vice versa. Playing with the regional settings in both emulators. Nothing has worked. Which makes me wonder if only one version of this game exists online and its corrupted and copied and spread around like a sick elaborate joke and no one else has ever gotten it to work. Oh god I hope not.

I'll post picture if there are any sadists out there who's want to put me through that yet again.

Disclaimer: I realize this one rom is not crucial to my well being and I own a working GG console with the cartridge but who really wants to buy 6 AA batteries?

Almost all other issues I've had I've been able to fix and its just about principal at this point. Any help is appreciated!
Have you tried 8blitter? it's another emulator that just happens to handle SMS/GG.


Just tried and same outcome :(

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Hmm, that looks like a GG Rom being played in SMS-Mode.
Could it be the rom has a .sms ending when it should be .gg?
Hmm, that looks like a GG Rom being played in SMS-Mode.
Could it be the rom has a .sms ending when it should be .gg?

Now we're talkin! I tried every combination of that but after trying it again in all 3 emulators it's only working in blitter. Out of picodrive, MDemu and blitter is the latter the only one that runs .gg?

I've play a select few other GG roms and didn't run into this before

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Well, you probably played GG games that also exist on the SMS. These often simply are SMS games with a changed visible area, and these work on any emulator that supports SMS games.

The GG had more colors than the SMS though, and any games using these additional colors will only work properly in GG mode.
Well, you probably played GG games that also exist on the SMS. These often simply are SMS games with a changed visible area, and these work on any emulator that supports SMS games.

The GG had more colors than the SMS though, and any games using these additional colors will only work properly in GG mode.

Well that explains it. Thank you for the help and clarification!

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