News About Gbax's 180mhz Gp32s And 32mb Ram Mods

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well aqua: I like GBAX because of their good service, and becuase of their compos. The Compos have pushed the GP32 scene (as well as the GBA scene and the Zodiac scene, but mostly the GP32 scene). So this is actually reason enough. And no, i didn´t read the IRC Log with atrkid, becuase i dont understand french. But as I understood, it was just a misunderstanding. And it WAS about the Zodiac that YoYo got, wasn´t it?

@ whom it may concern
why did Yoyo get a ZOD?
Yoyo won a Zodiac, because his emu was the best entry into GBAX 2003, and he deserved it.

EDIT: of course it was the "another 15 days compo", my fault.

but WHY a Zod, and not a GBA or GP?

well, thats easy: GBAX ISN`t a GP32 only site. Its a hendheld site, and so the price had to be something. Since it was absolutely clear BEFORE the compo, that most people who send their entrys would have a GBA/GP32, why not give them a brand new console? What would be the point in sending them a console which they already own? So they went for the Zodiac. Perhaps the ZOD/GBA people would be pissed, if one of their coders would have goten a GP, who knows. Fact is, GBAX is a ZOD/GP/GBA page, and as a result, they can´t make all three parties happy. And don´t forget, that GBAX shelled out more GP32´s to devs than ZODs.

But Guyfawkes/craigix TOLD Yoyo to make a SNES emu in order to give him a ZOD.

well, to say something like that, you need to give proof. And what proof do you have? A guy named ATRKID, who entered the compo and didn´t win anything. Perhaps (this is just a possibility) he was just mad a GBAX becuase he didn´t get anything. Also i remember him clearing the thing up on the emuboards forum. Ill have further research...

EDIT: well, he cleared something up, unfortunately i don´t know what. have a look here:

If there´s anything I forgot, tell me
pip posted on Jul 14 2004 at 02:09 PM said:
GBAx tricked my sister into buying a gp32 faster by saying there would be no more gp32 batches, they were running out. This I dislike them for, but craig seems to be a nice guy when it comes to most other things so I am quite neutral about gbax.
I second that, people seems to forget it VERY fast.

Two times GBAX spread false informations about last GP32 stocks, and it confused many people. Sad.
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I think Cragix is a great guy.

About his "lies" about then emulation.

He said

But what a lot of people want the GP32 for is EMULATORS because its ARM CPU can be set upto around 133 - 160MHZ (compare that with the GBA's 14MHZ) its capable of running pretty much all the old classic consoles and computers, even controversially the Gameboy, Gameboy color & Advance!

Here, he says that it can emulate the gameboy advance. perfectly true, even at the time. He didnt promice full speed or ANYTHING of the sort.

only the SNES & GBA emus (GBA emu is still private) are a little slow, but this is expected to change as the emulators make more progress.

Here, he bends the truth slightly, you cant blame the guy, he's only making a living. If you do your research on these forums, you will find out a more acurate answer. He neglects to mention the speen of megadrive emu. I wasnt here when he made the review, so i dont know about the speed of the emu at the time.

I see no lies, but i admit, his review isnt so accurate, but you cant put a measurement on "a little slow". Its all opinion.

You ask us ; Why do you defend GBAX?

Well, it has been said before; the scene would be no-where as good as it is now, if it were no for GBAX.

This is true. Yoyo might not have even made that emulator if he hadnt been interested in recieving a zodiac.

GBAX provided that zodiacm so you should thank them for it.

Would Craigix destroy the very console he is trying to sell?

Dont forget, Craigix uses the GP32 himself, and even he would want more games for it! Wouldn't anyone?

About the stock lie : I think that it wasnt a lie. He said they were running out. Who knows if they were. Al though I do recall craigix saying something it only lasting for a moneth, when it lasted much, much longer.

The only thing i have to complain about concerning GBAX is that the dropped the price after i bought mine.

That's hardy their fault, is it? :P

*Goes back to sleep*
No, I haven't seen the IRC log either, I'm guessing that Horscht is paraphrasing it in his reply.

If you feel so strongly about it Aquafish/Drumaster why not post the relevant part of the IRC log here?
pocket posted on Jul 14 2004 at 03:23 PM said:
pip posted on Jul 14 2004 at 02:09 PM said:
GBAx tricked my sister into buying a gp32 faster by saying there would be no more gp32 batches, they were running out. This I dislike them for, but craig seems to be a nice guy when it comes to most other things so I am quite neutral about gbax.
I second that, people seems to forget it VERY fast.

Two times GBAX spread false informations about last GP32 stocks, and it confused many people. Sad.
can you give me these news posts? Perhaps he said that everyone who wants a cheap unit, should buy now, or that GBAX is running out of stock.
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You're pathetic all the newbee here, you talk whereas you don't even know half the SHUT UP...thanx...

Atrkid just an "entry"?!

All you said is rubbish my poor Horscht...Atrkid worked for a long time for Guyfawkes, so it's a good source, isn't it?!

And I can assure you Atrkid was really aware of ALL the conspiracy because he made some...

I already know that you'll say "Atrkid is a liar!", so believe whatever and whoever you want...

Useless to speak with you...if you don't know the reverse of the medal...
Newbie? Check the joining dates :)

Look, mate, if you're going to make accusations, post proof - you're onto a loser otherwise.
No sorry I don't have time to look in the archives ^^
He didn't say for GBAx only, but everywhere too. Each time I said he was wrong and even said it to him on IRC.

As a result, we can still buy classic GP32s today, more than six months later !
With regards to the old gp review the nicest thing you could say about it would be
`Creative Advertisment` Kinda like Sony when it originally released the Specs for the PS2

Personally I`d like to hear Craigs comments on it.......
hey, man calm down! I wasn´t saying that Atrkid is a liar,Im just saying, that i could be a misunderstanding. But (as you see in the emuboards thread) he cleared SOMETHING up. I don´t know what he cleared up, but it must have been something you missed. Also, I dont see ANY proof, that would proove, that Guy/craig are having a conspiracy. Now please post this proof, or STHU! And a proof is not just "this guy said that, that guy told me this" etc.! And I dont like you coming along here saying GBAX is shit, bacause i dont like them. If i would, i could say "Drummaster killed JFK, because his name starts with a "D""

@Bohica: you know, joining dates dont actually tell you, if a person is a newbie or not. Because newbie doesn´t neceseraly mean that the guy/person is new, but is just plain asking stupid questions.
I find this whole thing very strange indeed, if people like I can publish the emails from gamepark about the GP32 shortages to prove I didn't make it up.

I'd love to know the real reason behind all this, its certainly odd... I don't know how I could have promoted the GP32 scene any better than I have.

Quite depressing, it would be enough to put me off the GP32 - but I suspect that is exactly what certain other people would like... there's a conspiracy for you.

he does promote the gp32 scene immensly
how many contests has he run
bring gigadrive and opensnes

i can't beleive people are mad at him

well it could be that it is a french conspiracy. You know, probably france is going to make the best handheld ever, so they have to spread conspiracy theories about the GP32 scene (which GBAX is definatelly a part of), so they can sell more of those consoles.

All this conspiracy talk is making the boards sound like some low-rent X-Files clone :)

I can't believe that I, a happy GP32 owner (amongst other systems) bothered to reply to a couple of kids throwing around completely unsubstantiated allegations of competition fixing.

I guess my dumb-ass argument detector went off the scale when this thread began :)

Craig - don't feel bad, there's a loud minority incapable of putting together a reasoned argument intent, for whatever reason on libelling you and your business. Screw them - you run a good company and have done wonders for a scene that, without the support from you and a small group of others, would have died on its backside a year ago.

We're worse then the zodiac community now...

Im quite upset!

The Zodiac community dosn't rip itself apart from the inside.

What if a newbie comes to the forums for the first time tday. He/She wont like what they see...
aquafish_ posted on Jul 14 2004 at 02:12 PM said:
hey!!! it's their job to sell gp32s!!! it don't mean that they didn't want to 'kill' the gp32 !! don't confuse everything!!
erm, *ahem*
this quote is, uh, how to say, screwed -_-
they dont have a point to kill the gp32 when it's their most-sold product, just look at gbax-frontpage:
10th July: Just as we thought the GP32 supplies were all rosy Gamepark have said the new BLU has sold so fast they will almost certainly run out before the next batch is ready in September! This is no suprise to us, we have sold over 250 since we got them in stock just a few weeks ago, so there may be delays in august - but at least the GP has a new lease of life! Oh and if your wondering where this months competition is - we're just waiting for the Prize to arrive from Hong Kong - stay tuned kids!
as i said before, they couldnt ever make up for what they've done for the community till now
in easier english:
- gbax has contributed much for the gp32-community
- if they really are destructive, they have failed
- they have done far more FOR the community than AGAINST
- they sold _many_ gp32s -> more new user, more new dever
- their compos result in having a) many s/w that was just once b) good s/w that is still worked on

so i'm asking what the fuck?
i mean, where do you see them destroying the scene in any way? (no, i dont mean things like "it may look like it if you change the reality")

come on, this whole conspiracy-theory-idea is shit, and even if you're right just shut up
you couldn't do a shit about it (gbax disguises soooo good that you could even forget about their "evil plans to kill the gp32 for what-ever-reason-they-dont-have")

look at you, some "trusted source" (i guess its a friend or something.. oh yes, objective) tells you gbax tries to kill the scene and you tell us all the time how bad gbax is

btw, gbax has done nothing against us directly, or has done some goodd things for us
it has done nothing against you, just "against the scene", which noone expect you believes

imagine you are in a world, where everybody slaps himself inner 5 seconds

who would be the crazy, everyone or you?
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Horscht posted on Jul 14 2004 at 04:29 PM said:
pocket posted on Jul 14 2004 at 03:23 PM said:
pip posted on Jul 14 2004 at 02:09 PM said:
GBAx tricked my sister into buying a gp32 faster by saying there would be no more gp32 batches, they were running out. This I dislike them for, but craig seems to be a nice guy when it comes to most other things so I am quite neutral about gbax.
I second that, people seems to forget it VERY fast.

Two times GBAX spread false informations about last GP32 stocks, and it confused many people. Sad.
can you give me these news posts? Perhaps he said that everyone who wants a cheap unit, should buy now, or that GBAX is running out of stock. and and

There is one more instant of it as well if you do a search. Four times is not a mistake, is it systematically.
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oh and Drum:

about the "OC mods destroy the scene" thingy (that´s where you satrted your conspiracy post at):

why do these OC mods destroy the scene? GBAX is just offering a service, that everyone could do at home, if they got the skills. So GBAX is just helping people that don´t have the skills/balls to solder around in their GP´s. Else, Gamepark itself could be accused of destroying the scene, because they didn´t make their GP´s totaly equal. I got one running at 216/220 MhZ OUT OF THE BOX! NOT PURCHASED FROM GBAX! And I now, there a those poor people who cant go over 132. So those people could be helped with the mod from GBAX.

Hell wait: Mashmods is ALSO destroying the scene with their voltage mod (that´s the same thing that GBAX does). And console-fix (i think they offer this mod, too). And everyone who has one of those GP´s that can go past 132 are also fucking lamers who destroy the scene....... If you didn´t notice, i tried to be sarcastic in the last few lines

EDIT: just had a look at this post ( ) and it IS quite misleading, but GBAX ssems to be out of stock of the standart GP´s. And the other posts just say, that Gamepark itself sold the least standart gp´s to resellers, so GAMEPARK is out of stock.
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Yep... personally, I'm a great fan of GBAx, for their service and competitions, let alone Craigix's publicizing of the GP32 scene as well as possible and the work behind GPdoom.

@Bohica: Agreed.

In addition, I don't see why we as a community feel we've got either a monopoly on coders or on GBAx. I mean. Its not even like the company was set up for GP32 stuff specifically - it used to be GB/GBA stuff only iirc. Think of it like this.

In the beginning, there was the word, and the word was GBAx. And GBAx moved across the waters and said be, and there was a GBA flash linker and GBA stuff, and they saw that it was good and they sold them. And those who bought were happy, for a community grew of homebrew GBA software. And there was morning, and there was evening. The first day.

Then came the GP32, and once more said "be" and there were GP32s in the UK. And they wrote a review of the GP32. And they had competitions, open to both the old GBA community and the newly born GP32 one. And they offered a GP32 as a prize to whosoever won the competition - and the GP32 community were happy, for they saw the world worked in their favour, and they said to themselves "may it always be thus". And the GBA community said God knows what, because I don't know much about it, but it wouldn't surprise me if they didn't see people abandoning them for the new console, and feel left. And the GBA community did not think it was good. But the GP32 community did. And there was morning, and there was evning. The second day.

Then came the Zodiac, and once more again did GBAx say "be", and there were Zodiacs to buy. Then they said to themselves "this is a powerful console - and one to develop on". So they sold the Zodiac, and a community grew. And the Zodiac community were happy, for they had the most powerful console at the time. But all was not well in the GP32 community, for they saw the Zodiac being given as a prize for a competition just as the GP32 had been a year before, and some of them said "Why hast thou forsaken us? You must want to destroy us!" Others said "Hypocrites!" and pointed and thought "Why oh why have we come to this - that we should accuse our main benefactor of hating us for they support also something new?" And there was morning. And there was evening. The third day.

And then came the fourth day, and the GP32 was offered with a powerful upgrade, for the Zodiac had proven less an amazing console than had been seen before. Thus, a Super GP32 was to be born, and GBAx again said "be". And there were (or there will be :) ). But the GP32 community was already divided. Some had seen already that GBAx wished not to help them, but to destroy them, and they said "why should we take this gesture of good faith from you? Rather, we shall believe you still hate us, and decide how you are now trying to destroy us!" Others rejoiced that GBAx were to sell the Super GP32s, but those loud haters and hypocrites said all and silenced the others. And the community was divided. And those divided, fall. And there was morning, and there was evening. The fourth day.

Does that about sum the situation up?
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