
Please tell me your having a laugh, it was quicker to find the WonderBoi news post (3'rd one down in news) and find out all you wanted to know from its 1st post then it was for you to post this thread. It’s even on the front page of this site :o.

WonderBoi News Topic.

As for speed, it depends on game and frame skip settings.

Please, oh please, spend at least 10 seconds looking before posting next time.
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What did you try with it? It seems to run at a very playable speed for FF1/2 at frameskip 5-6 or so, remarkably without looking juttery. FF4, though, is supposed to do some strange stuff and slow it down to a crawl relative to everything else.
Tobriand posted on Jul 7 2004 at 02:41 PM said:
What did you try with it? It seems to run at a very playable speed for FF1/2 at frameskip 5-6 or so, remarkably without looking juttery. FF4, though, is supposed to do some strange stuff and slow it down to a crawl relative to everything else.
Yeah, for some reason half the games run at a decent clip with FS2 (FF remakes, Super Robot Wars Compact series), while others bog down to around 30% speed (Guilty Gear Petit series, Final Lap Special). No clue why.
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Tobriand posted on Jul 7 2004 at 02:41 PM said:
What did you try with it? It seems to run at a very playable speed for FF1/2 at frameskip 5-6 or so, remarkably without looking juttery. FF4, though, is supposed to do some strange stuff and slow it down to a crawl relative to everything else.
I have tried Pocket Fighter and Puzzle Bobble. Puzzle Bobble is playable but not smooth enough to enjoy at 166 and frameskip 10. Pocket Fighter is not playable IMO.
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