Discussion About Gba Emulators On Gp32

finty101 posted on Jul 7 2004 at 10:52 PM said:
I told you it was happening spray.

Can I explain to him as well?

*Begins to speak slowly and clearly* The GBA cannot play GB/C games, it has the GB/C built into the same caseing, so it is like the 2 units in the 1 case.
good luck

next he'll be saying your talking about the NDS cause thats got two screens and two processors!



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diablo2 posted on Jul 7 2004 at 10:57 PM said:
and off topic but it must be increadible easy to make a gbc "emulator" for gba
all you would have to do is write a program to make the gba think its running of a gb/c cart
I believe that would be hardware, there is a GBC emulator, but when using the GBC extra power (17Mhz?) it is pretty slow (Last time I checked the GBA scene).
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finty101 posted on Jul 7 2004 at 11:09 PM said:
diablo2 posted on Jul 7 2004 at 10:57 PM said:
and off topic but it must be increadible easy to make a gbc "emulator" for gba
all you would have to do is write a program to make the gba think its running of a gb/c cart
I believe that would be hardware, there is a GBC emulator, but when using the GBC extra power (17Mhz?) it is pretty slow (Last time I checked the GBA scene).
right on finty

theres the gb mono emu, goomba, by the legendary flubba i believe!
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diablo2 posted on Jul 7 2004 at 10:57 PM said:
and off topic but it must be increadible easy to make a gbc "emulator" for gba
all you would have to do is write a program to make the gba think its running of a gb/c cart
That would be impossible, its TWO DIFFRENT SYSTEMS IN THE CASE (this is the easiest way to explain it). One does not know of the other. You cannot access the Z80 in GBA mode, you cannot access the ARM in Z80 mode, in fact I think they use totally diffrent cart voltage too.

The way it tells what system to 'be' is via a 'button' which is pressed by the shape of an old GB cart, the GBA carts are a diffrent shape and don't press the 'button'.


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It's ridiculous how many topics were made about GBA emulators just today, and even more ridiculous how many replies they received. From now on I'm just going to merge all GBA topics into this one all-encompassing thread. Maybe I'll start banning people who don't read the stickies.
craigix posted on Jul 7 2004 at 06:18 PM said:
diablo2 posted on Jul 7 2004 at 10:57 PM said:
and off topic but it must be increadible easy to make a gbc "emulator" for gba
all you would have to do is write a program to make the gba think its running of a gb/c cart
That would be impossible, its TWO DIFFRENT SYSTEMS IN THE CASE (this is the easiest way to explain it). One does not know of the other. You cannot access the Z80 in GBA mode, you cannot access the ARM in Z80 mode, in fact I think they use totally diffrent cart voltage too.

The way it tells what system to 'be' is via a 'button' which is pressed by the shape of an old GB cart, the GBA carts are a diffrent shape and don't press the 'button'.


that does make sense seeing how nds can play gba games but not gb/c games

i didn't know that they ran at different voltages
or were so different
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- When I say that there is no romsize limitation, it means there is the limitation of the real gba romsize limitation, ie "32 mega BYTES" and of course not "32 mbits". Who is still using mbits ??

- Secondly, Craig said it clearly, gpadvance won't run any GameBoy / GameBoy color game

- Finally, gpadvance is by default at 133 Mhz and not at 66 MHz, and it has been always the case. The options menu wasn't functionnal in the previous versions, so it was displaying 66 MHz, but it was a mistake.

Now more recent news :

The most recent version 1.32 supports fullscreen, and you can choose the cpufrequency (before loading the game), but compatibility have not been improved. Menus are very unstable :)
Here we go:

the only games (4mb or smaller) from 0001-0200 wich run are

-0056 - Toy Robot Force (J) (Don't play if you can't speak japan/chinese(?) like me, I think it is a strategy game or something)

-0150 - Nakayoshi Mahjan Kaburiichi (J) (I dont know if it is only the menu)
I found one comercial game that runs "quite" good. Its called "Atari Aniversary", and it displays the title screen, the menu, and you can also acces the games that are build in (it emulates ATARI 2600 games), But the games dont run properly. I tried Asteroids and Centipede, while Asteroids only gives me a black screen, you can see the sprites (worm, you) in centipede. And you can shoot (with "A" and move (not sure how, i managed it to "jump" around on the screen))
ooohhhh, I just thought (might have been mentioned before but what the hey) if this ever gets done, doesn't that mean we would have access to all of flubbas emus?

That would be cool. Emu stacking on the gp32, who would have thought :D