
I love dragons :)
And since I have long hair, dark clothes and listen to hard rock...
I once found a book stating that rock music is evil devils work - and laughed myself to death ;)
That's why I call myself Evil :)
I've had part of this nick since I was 13, back in the Compuserve days. First it was General "Phaze" Xcalibur. Xcalibur comes from the legendary sword minus the 'E', it's also the last name of many, many different characters in some of the stories I write (usually the main character). Then when I switched to AOL a year later, I used General "Magus" Xcalibur (Magus from Chrono Trigger). Later on, I created an alter-ego called "Nihilist" which I used when I didn't want to be recognized as "GeneralMX". So when I needed to make a new AIM identity after dropping AOL, I made up "General 'Nihilist' Matt Xcalibur", dropping "Magus" for "Matt" (my real first name).

My nickname in real life depends on who is addressing me, but the most endearing ones are "Mr. M" (my mother) and "Bridy" (my siblings, when they were younger they couldn't say 'brother').
I got mine because I went to school with somekind of not-too-long/not-too-short beatle-ish hair.... And because of the nose I was born with, one of my mates suddently called out "Hey, Ringo!"

I tend to use "Evil Dingo" or "Evil D" on the net too, though
generalnmx posted on Jul 4 2004 at 06:39 PM said:
My nickname in real life depends on who is addressing me, but the most endearing ones are "Mr. M" (my mother)
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EvilDragon posted on Jul 4 2004 at 06:10 PM said:
And since I have long hair, dark clothes and listen to hard rock...
"...Mosch instantly thinks I'm allright" B)

My name has... quite a story behind it. Let me begin from the top.

I learned Latin in school and the classes were always quite late, at about 3 (which is really late if you usually go home at 13:20 or 14:10). Of course, no one paid attention anymore and everyone just fooled around. One particular habit some... acquaintances (note I did not say friends) had was drawing REALLY shitty pictures. Now our Latin teacher was our target of friendly ridicule becasue he talked EXACTLY like a stereotypical homosexual. He also wore glasses not unlike the ones I wore that time.

Ooooooookay. So now that we have the set-up, let's start the story :P

It was late again and we were bored, when the aforementioned people began painting out Latin teacher in several professions - forgive me, I don't know which those were anymore ;) Sooner or later, they ran out of ideas and painted a frog with his glasses. They laughed so hard at that that they disturbed the class for quite a while and our techer walked towards them to see what they were doing.

Now, back to the set-up, because I forgot to mention that I have some kind of mutation that
a) weakens my immune systems quite a bit and
B) increases my production of male hormones.
the ltter one results in a beard Karl Marx would be proud of, and I usually did not shave to much and just shortened it a bit.

Now they could not hide the paper quickly enough, but they also did not want to show our teacher that they painted him. So Chris quickly rubbed his pen across the frog - unfortunately hitting only directly beneath the chin, producing a large beard-like thing. When our teacher asked they told him they painted me as a frog.

Now, to the wonderful world of German language. Let's look at some words, shall we?
Frog: Frosch
Human: Mensch

Beginning to understand? They grew fond of the creature and called it a "Mosch": one part Mensch, one part Frosch.

From then on, I was Mosch. I never lost that name. My parents sometimes get called Mr and Mrs Mosch (no joke) by my friends. I wear it proudly. It's better than Toesch (One part Mensch, one part table) by the way. And if you want to, I have all the pictures they painted of me (which are quite a few).
Till Eulenmosch
Keeper Mosch
Snake Mosch
Snowmosch (Snow white. My god, that one gives me nightmares)
Törkel (One part Blackboard [Tafel], one part "Görk" [my surname is "Gerk".... and they are idiots])
Captain Mosch (that one is great)
Kamikaze Mosch
Bomb Mosch (a bomb, simple as that)
Um... I guess I'll stop my list now. Just imagine something and than add a large beard and glasses, then you basically get the Mosch-Version ;)

Ha, guess I hold the record for most idiotic nickname, huh?

(Interesting fact: Reflecting about it, in english I would have been a Mog.)
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papapopalung is a character created by my stepbrother... imagine the pygmy jungle-tribe cheiftain version of papa smurf, who pops a lot of lungs - don't know what a lung is? here's a clue...

papapopalung has a helper... popalittlelung... destined to remain a figment, i fear...

anyway, i thought papapopalung would make a cool yahoomail nick, and i continued it here...

edit: description: coffee colour skin, bone through the nose and a topknot in the hair, spear in one hand, lung in the other ;)
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Mine is "J.C. in the U.S." It's an inside joke.
You see, the band and I were driving through Utah...:lol:

It's not a real life nickname. Those guys (my band mates) usually just call me Billy C.,
or Chav's or Bill Chavez (pronounced Bwa Sha-vay´)

They call my house Le Shavay Chalet. :D
btw: none of us speak a lick of french :rolleyes:
Mine's story is a videogame junkie one ;)
When I used to play Fallout, I was searching for a new cool nick (I was using deathwind). So in this apocalyptic game with all this crazyness, I thought about "Dark Mad". Then some month later we were playing Counter Strike at a LAN party, so it became "Dark Mad Killer" for some obvious reasons...
But "Dark Mad Killer" is a pain in the ass to say so it was missaid at each time, which was really irritating me.
DArk MAdKIller -> damaki
I finally took to damaki because it's short, I like mangas and it sound quite japanish. B)
I work in the Telecommunications field as a Nortel (DMS-500) switch tech.

My first name is Lou.

Dullest. S/N. EVER. :(
Ive been called Ernest for bout 2 years now so i just use the name for everything, my real names Andy and it doesnt bare any relevance to it all but oh well.......
hmmm, well my names Ben Spray

i went to a new school at the age of 13 and there everyone calls each other by their second name, naturally mine provided hours of hilarity being the new kid and having a name like spray!!!

and so all the recent boards i have signed up to i have used the name spray
Skysnapper is a nick I made up for ultima online ages ago in my mind skysnapper means dragon - .. sign up to everything with it as it is unique to me :)
Well... I played guitar (or axe to the unitinitiated) in a band. I used to be a lot more 'rock' based than the others in the band, so they started introducing me as "The Axeman Himself....." during shows.

And it stuck. :D
V3X posted on Jul 4 2004 at 08:07 PM said:
Mine is a very true nickname. look up "VEX" in the dictionary.
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary said:
Main Entry: vex
Pronunciation: 'veks
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): vexed also vext; vex·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French vexer, from Latin vexare to agitate, harry; probably akin to Latin vehere to convey -- more at WAY
1 a : to bring trouble, distress, or agitation to <the restaurant is vexed by slow service> b : to bring physical distress to <a headache vexed him all morning> c : to irritate or annoy by petty provocations : HARASS <vexed by the children> d : PUZZLE, BAFFLE <a problem to vex the keenest wit>
2 : to shake or toss about
synonym see ANNOY
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My name was picked because I was sick of using my real name in boards so I was playing the Diablo 2 expansion and I saw the monsters at the start of Act 5 called Enslaved and I liked the name so I picked it. And now girls are all asking me on MSN why my name says that.
Enslaved posted on Jul 6 2004 at 10:55 AM said:
My name was picked because I was sick of using my real name in boards so I was playing the Diablo 2 expansion and I saw the monsters at the start of Act 5 called Enslaved and I liked the name so I picked it. And now girls are all asking me on MSN why my name says that.
i used to play so much diablo 2
<---- i guess it isn't hard to tell

i'm glad i don't play it anymore
it was like crack
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