
Well, I finally got my GP32 back today and I have to say, I'm a little disappointed with Mashmods:
1. He made a nick in my case:

2. He didn't tighten it properly or something so there is a gap between the two cases (I can squeeze it together and the gap gets smaller, but if I let go it goes back to the normal size. I also tried tightening all the screws but they were all already tightened):

3. He didn't do anything to my B button. I was expecting a new button membrane in it because, first of all, it was a little wobbly because of a weak/used membrane, and second, it could be pressed down all the way at a certain angle and still not trigger a response, it can be pressed more downward than a button with a new membrane (my A button), and last, it obviously feels a lot weaker than a button with a new membrane. My B button feels really weird compared to my A button, which is now perfect, and the B button is definetly not as responsive as the A button.
4. He got some dust a fingerprint smudge underneath the glass screen and it's always haunting me.

However, on a different note, the OC mod works fine and the glass screen seems pretty good.


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:( poor GP32.. If you go to sell that now in the future it will have lost value because of damage :(
Yeah, it really sucks that this happend because I'm one of those guys who likes to keep everything in MINT condition (Practically EVERYTHING I own is in MINT condition, and they still have that new video game scent). I had a GBA for about a year and played with it frequently, but when I went to sell it, the guy I sold it to was shocked that it was even used. He said it looked brand new (The screen had no dust or scracthes, no smudges or fingerprints on buttons, and it still gave off they new video game scent).
@Azure same here I hate my stuff getting broke, I keep the best care of my NES and gp32. I keep it in a case all the time I'm not using it. AHHHHHHHHH dust!
Yeah, I do that too. I store it in the Entware case. And I always wash my hands thoroughly before handling it and make sure my hands don't give off a noticeable scent, I also make note of all the surfaces that the GP32 touches and make sure that they too are clean and don't give off a noticeable scent.
Azure posted on Jul 10 2004 at 09:59 AM said:
Yeah, I do that too. I store it in the Entware case. And I always wash my hands thoroughly before handling it and make sure my hands don't give off a noticeable scent, I also make note of all the surfaces that the GP32 touches and make sure that they too are clean and don't give off a noticeable scent.
wow thats mad :D hehe...

Will mashmods not replace the Case???
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Steve-O posted on Jul 6 2004 at 06:04 PM said:
Or if you want to be Hitech Get a LDR (Light Dependant Resistor) the kind that in light it has a HIGH resistance and in the dark low resistance.. put a LDR inplace of your Flu Button and when you are in dark areas your FLU will automatically come on for you :P
This is my new project.
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I agree about keeping your handhelds in as new condition.
I have a new BLU but my FLU has just been sent to the states and the new owner will be getting a truly as new FLU because i looked after it so well.
I do the same for my Zodiac and , AND , i received my NOMAD (Sega Megadrive / Genesis handheld) in the post yesterday and i,m VERY impressed.
The display is brighter than i thought it would be ALL my megadrive carts which number over 400 (except 3 PAL specific ones) play great.
I will look after this like i do my Zod and GP32 , each one NEVER borrowed by anyone else and each with its own soft foam lined carry case.
Just like AZURE , i wash my hands etc before playing with my games....
Do i need professional help...LOL...
Catch you later Kiddies,
Davey Fontan...
Original Mystical Ninja... :ph34r:
Seiously, WOW

I collect for playing not for having, so i dont give a shit what my consoles are like as long as they are playable

In the long run, mayb it would b better to keep em mint, but I never want to sell off my collection unless I can buy something to play my old games (Selling my AES to pay for a MAME cab, the only reson i would ever sell it)
ic, well he didnt replace the button because its just a tuneup, i asked about it a while ago. damn that sucks about the smudge on ur screen and the dmg to ur gp32, hope that doesnt happen to mines as well :( . do you think if you knew this was gonna happen you wouldve sent it for the same price?
Klown posted on Jul 11 2004 at 11:25 AM said:
Steve-O posted on Jul 6 2004 at 06:04 PM said:
Or if you want to be Hitech Get a LDR (Light Dependant Resistor) the kind that in light it has a HIGH resistance and in the dark low resistance.. put a LDR inplace of your Flu Button and when you are in dark areas your FLU will automatically come on for you :P
This is my new project.
Yup.. If I had a FLU I would also have tried it... Should be simple, Just replace the FLU Switch with a LDR :P.... Its only 2 wires, probably a 2 minute job :D
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I always wash my hands before playing any handhelds too. I do the same when I package games to be sent in the mail. It is good to know that it is in new condition when it is not new :lol:
Steve-O posted on Jul 11 2004 at 03:37 AM said:
Azure posted on Jul 10 2004 at 09:59 AM said:
Yeah, I do that too. I store it in the Entware case. And I always wash my hands thoroughly before handling it and make sure my hands don't give off a noticeable scent, I also make note of all the surfaces that the GP32 touches and make sure that they too are clean and don't give off a noticeable scent.
wow thats mad :D hehe...

Will mashmods not replace the Case???
Why would he? Here's the email I got from him:
"Mashmods" said:
Hello, I am glad that the system arrived safely and that everything mostly works. Unfortunately the little nick around the screen is unavoidable, because the covers have to be removed with a special tool, usually using other tools (a flat head screwdriver) causes even more nicks around the case. I did not notice the gap or the unresponsiveness of the B button, I am very sorry to have missed the B button for sure. The B button was thoroughly cleaned, but I did not see any damage to the rubber membrane when it was opened, and it worked fine during tests.
Oh, I see, so everyone on the boards here who has taken their screen off has a nick too, but it's one of those special nicks that magically disappears when photos are taken, right? <_<

Jr2swiss - Huh? What do you mean? I don't have an option for how much I can send it for, I can only pay the full price.
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i opened my case up with a craft knife and caused precisely no damage

but hey, humans make mistakes, that what disclaimers are for

if i see a disclaimer on a site I automatically dont trust em, coz they know theres a chance they will balls it up, and im unlucky
relating to Mattmagoo's posting , i don,t "collect" . i just buy and play.
I don.t get consoles just to have them.
I spend hours on my games machimes and it would be a total waste of money just to buy and then put away.Its just that i like to keep my things as new , not with as view to selling later but just cos i have pride in what i have worked hard to pay for.
Hate sticky fingers all over my screen..
See ya,
Davey fontan.
Original Mystical Ninja... :ph34r:
It's not the whole "humans make mistakes" thing, it was his response that makes me mad. Him saying that it's "unavoidable," just to make sure he doesn't look bad, was really uncalled for.
OK, here's my mashmods experience:

+ reasonably good response to emails
+ joystick works fantastically in all directions and just feels *a lot* better
+ buttons now very responsive (before, both were becoming very unresponsive)
+ works fine at 166 mhz
+ glass screen and no more of those weird smudges
+ total turnaround of a bit of over 3 weeks - not bad all the way from Australia

- a few more specs of dust under the screen - I'm a bit of a dust freak so its annoying, but I'll get over it.

No nicks around the case so far as I can see, and had it not been pointed out, I would not have even noticed the slight unalignment of the case at the top - then again, I'm not one of those obsessive compulsives who washes his hands before playing - you need help guys, seriously :P
well its kind of a noticable dmg, and for some reason mash isnt as responsive as he use to be ;) . he still responds though, he hasnt emailed me for while, he said today is latest day he will ship it, hopefully he shipped it alrdy ;)

Hope he does a great job like he did to urs centrylink

o azure i meant, if you knew this was going to happen, the smudge on the screen, the dmg done to ur gp32, would you have sent in ur gp32 to get modded by mash.
Hmm...yeah, I guess I still would have, but I wouldn't have gotten the glass screen mod, and I would have given him more detail on the button mod (telling him to put in a new membrane for the B button), and I would also have requested for him to up the voltage a bit more (I can only OC to 166, nothing higher, not even 168.).
Azure posted on Jul 12 2004 at 09:41 PM said:
Oh, I see, so everyone on the boards here who has taken their screen off has a nick too, but it's one of those special nicks that magically disappears when photos are taken, right? <_<
That is total BS, when Mash said that you can't do the mod without gouging the case. I have replaced the screen with glass on 4 GP32s and didn't butcher the case nearly as bad as that. There was a very small nick and I was able to smooth it out with a burnishing tool and the nick was totally gone.

Sorry to hear that your GP32 is mangled like that. This is the reason that I do things like that myself. It does give you a good reason to get a BLU though :)

BTW the frame on the BLU is much easier to get off than the older units.
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