Selling My Gp32


Oct 18, 2003
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im bored w/ the gp32 and the scene..sorta got into the n-gage :P (i look at it as a series 60 fone made for better gaming not a handheld + family guy eps r only 9.5 mb) well anyways im selling my flashed gp32 for 78$ i havnt put it up on ebay but it will be in there has a screen mod and button mod from mashmods...there cheap ass service put little holes on the side...nothing thats that noticable ill put up some pix SOON :ph34r: !!!! im selling it w/ the rf link and 128 smc and the usb link. w/ the new fw you can only use pacrom w/ the usb. aquas fw doesnt seem 2 work with it..maybe its a diff driver you can download. I dont want any gp32 newbs buyin it because i dont want them 2 rate me down if they get frusterated w/ getting it set up on their comp lol. yea it can oc to 160 NOT 166 in opsnes it can do 156mhz. wut else 2 sayyyy im including a high quality digital camera case that fit my gp32 well/has a water-proof design and has places 2 put ur smcs-rf link :) . well e-mail me or pm me for questions
sorry for my spelling kinda tired <_<
remember pix s0on for all who cares
is it a FLU ??
if yes i want to buy it at 78$
tell me the shipping price to canada ?
so you include a 128 megs and usb cable
does your gp32 work well ? any problem isn't ?

thank you wait for your email
my email is:
works well its a flu the light flickers for some reason..i think i got a shoty flu but it does flicker theres probably a way 2 fix it
I want it! I have a N-Gage system to give. I also have soem cash, but not too much, I also have Ps2/Gc/GBA games to give too. Let me know if you are interested.. I have a little cash to spend, but not that much. Let me know thanks
The ngage has gotten some really good stuff since the qd too bad it doesn't work with BREW :(. Anyway good luck with it.

Sorry about not staying on topic but just wanted to post lol.
coolgpguy posted on Aug 19 2004 at 10:35 PM said:
putting it on ebay will inform u guys wen i do :D
so your not selling it for $78 like in your post?
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