Need help with GP32 Viewer


Anyone know of any decent FAQs regarding GP32 Viewer? I've tried viewing a few images and I just get an error message in Korean, so obviously I'm completely stumped as to what's gone wrong. Is there any way of changing the lanuage of the program to English? Failing that, can anyone recommend any other image viewer programs for the GP32? Cheers!
I use GpViewer and find it works fine,but is the file manager better? Can it view Jpg's and gif's like GPviewer? It's not a new firmware, is it? Thanks
With GP32 Viewer, are there any rules or restrictions that I should know of? I have a jpg file I want to view and simply won't do it.
Yes, there are rules. The ones that I know of are that the picture :

1. Has to be less than 100kb
2. has to be less than some size (Something like 1024x890)

THose are the two big ones that I know of.
Was just about to say that, image reduction is automatic I think, but there is 1024*768 max IIRC.
Someone please reply to my question...Is the file manager better than gpviewer? Can it view big jpgs and gifs like gpviewer? Is it new firmware, it said it was a new shell or something? :huh:
The image I used to test it was 90kb, not sure of the res.

I'll download that File Manager when I get home and give that a whirl.

The file manager is much better IMO.

You can view jpeg/bmp up to the save as GPviewer, 1024x768
you can view them either as full size (with different scroll speeds) or sized to fit window

It can also play MP3's with built in equalizer settings (really neat this). You can also play MP3's while readin TXT files

Its also a file manager (as the title suggests) meaning you can quickly and easily move files/dirs around on your SMC without needing to connect to a PC.

Oh and you can save your image as your background pic, saves the current view your in from the pic viewer :)
tried the FM (this lunchtime) by dropping the fxe into my gpmm folder - when I try to launch it it crashes/reboots my GP32 - any ideas?
you forgot to put the GPFM folder in GPMM... it did the same and it crashes, now i have it in, and it works great :) cool prog...
Beside this.. how can i get this Winamp thing working EQU thing working... dont get it. Perhaps someone can help me!


PS: just missing movie park support :)
is it still in dev??

Ahh... is there a EBook Reader with wich one you can save your position?
For txt files, when I exit by hitting B twice the GPFM saves my location for me. At least I believe that's the key combo, I haven't read anything on it for over a month.