Is Official?


Mostly Harmless
Feb 2, 2004
Brighton, UK
I've just had a look at and I was surprised to find my Maclink GUI available for download (alhough the zip file seems to be partially knackered). I've got no problem with it being available, but I'm surprised nobody contacted me to ask if it was OK... There are quite a few apps, games, etc. available for download - have they just harvested anything they could find?

Who runs the site?
well, I (gp32news) was hosting it, but during the first hours ou gp32eu, there were more than 10GB of bandwith, which is quite too much for me... but now, files are available somewhere else.

GP32eu is of course unofficial and not run by gp32news' staff

To the end, usually, websites are not asking to developpers if they can host their games/tools/... as they are far too much of them. GP32news, GP32x and GP32spain are hosting hundreds of files, so, what we usually do as webmasters is hosting files with the readme.txt and when it exists, the official url.

Also, many resellers like GBAX are giving a CD full of GP32 free tools without asking you. (VirginPlay is also doing it)

It also protects amateur programs of diseapear. As many GP32 devs left the scene and closed their websites. But, if you don't wan't to see your program on other websites, just say it on your own website or contact the webmasters and they'll do what you want.
I think that its a very good site but with several copyright issues, and they are a true danger for the game ports authors, because there are many things not clear, look at GPDoom - the credit is idSoftware, now imagine someone mail id telling "I tried your GP32 Doom port and bla bla"
OK - I've got no problem with it being available on the site, although I'm going to email the contact address to see if I can update them with a version that works... :D

Johndifo - you're right - and on top of that it links to idSoftware's site!
Yes, Doom its open source now (thanks id!!), but I think the problem in this well done site is putting in the some bag commercial games, underground stuff, freeware and so on.

they done this site with such a passion that they forgot to be careful.

Copyrighted graphics are being used in a very agressive way, side by side with an european hardware launch, one thing its a fan site with no commercial objectives other thing its a piece of marketing campaign.

There are a border between fair use and commercial use. There are some ports that are tolerated because: 1 - The copyright owner dont know it, 2 - By fans for fun, free.

Imagine SNK watching this page
uhuh, the site has some copyright issues - many of the gp32 game clones are being put across as the real-deal :P but i doubt that'll hurt anybody.
uhuh, the site has some copyright issues - many of the gp32 game clones are being put across as the real-deal :P but i doubt that'll hurt anybody.
I hope so, realy.

Wizards of the Coast are very restrictive with their magic the gathering card illustrations, they have long documents telling that, but they allow hundreds of sites, for example.

But look at Microsoft, because they are successeful (the company not the code), everybody and the cat, acused them for copyright and patent breaks.
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uhuh, the site has some copyright issues - many of the gp32 game clones are being put across as the real-deal :P but i doubt that'll hurt anybody.
I hope so, realy.

Wizards of the Coast are very restrictive with their magic the gathering card illustrations, they have long documents telling that, but they allow hundreds of sites, for example.

But look at Microsoft, because they are successeful (the company not the code), everybody and the cat, acused them for copyright and patent breaks.
The differenece is Microsoft has the cash to buy its way out of the copyright cases with settlements. I doubt the webmasters of the site would have that kind of money if persued legally for infringement or something else.
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people only take microsoft to court because they know they can make a mint out of them if they win, i doubt anybody would bother to take the gp32 scene to court, Gamepark is going bust and all the sites are run are fun by fans who probably dont have a huge fortune hidden away somewhere in the basement :D

hundreds of homebrew games use ripped graphics, not to mention the broad range of emulators available, if we've gotton away with it for this long i suspect we're in the clear.