Finally Got One

San Starko

Still Fresh
Jul 25, 2003
Toronto, after 26 years in Scotland
Visit site
Well after more than a year or checking this board out and watching how things were going with the GP32 i've finally decided to get round to buying one. Ordered my 166Mhz GP32 at just after 4am this morning from GBAx so it should arrive in about 12 hours or so :D

Spent the last hour or so downloading stuff so i'm all ready to go when it arrives tomorrow morning and i've been surprised by how much stuff there is. Obviously I knew about all the emulators, it is the main reason i'm buying it after all but I hadn't been paying any attention to the amount of homebrew games available for it.

BUT, there had to be a "but" didn't there, couldn't be a true noob without having some stupid question to ask. :) I've been downloading stuff off GP32x and a few other sites and noticed that a few of the links for files are no longer working, or the versions available are the old versions not the new versions. As an example I downloaded the DartsGP game off this site but it's version 0.1, where as i'm sure it's upto version 0.3 or so I think now.
So I was wondering, I know that I get a CD full off stuff due to me ordering my GP32 from GBAx, does anyone know if it's up-to-date stuff on it? If not, is there a main site which has everything on it and is updated often?
2 other good sites are and, the guy that made the darts game is part of one of those sites, i forget which one.
he is part of gp32emu (Guyfawkes)

Have fun with your GP32 tomorrow :)

Most of the stuff that Craig X gives is usually up to date. You may find that it's got most of the stuff you have already downloaded :P
Arrived this morning :) It's even better than I expected it to be. Just playing about with everything just now, getting to grips with it. The size of the screen has surprised me, didn't expect it to be quite so big and clear. The control stick has taken some getting used to though, but i'm getting there.

The CD that Craig sends out with the GP32 is great, everything that i'd wanted to use was on it. Just got Castaway setup and got Champ Manager '93 running on it, whenever I manage to drag myself off that i'll have to get round to setting everything else up.

My work days usually quite boring, most of the day spent sitting about doing nothing. Not tomorrow though :) , tomorrow i'll be playing Atari ST games, or maybe Speccy games, or maybe I might feel like a game of Super Mario World....ahhh the posibilties :D
Cool, nice going San Starko. Going to be getting one soon (hopefully this month if I can persuade the other half ;) ) haven't quite decided where from yet though. The chance to play old speccy. nes and master system games at work instead of sitting around watching cr*p night time telly for 8 hours is gonna be heaven :D