About Frodo and music...


Still Fresh
May 15, 2003
Hello. Being quite new in the world of GP32 and not owning a machine of my own keeps me from trying something that would be of great value to me; being able to run something like OdinTracker (http://www.inf.bme.hu/~zed/tracker/intro.html) in Frodo on the GP32. I'm currently using a GameBoy with LSDj! to do tracks on the move (i.e. on the bus to/from work every day) and it would be great if I also could use the GP32's abilities to make SID music. So, I was wondering; anyone out there feel like trying this before I place an order for a machine of my own? That is - running OdinTracker via Frodo on an actual GP32 (GeePee lacks sound and speed :/). Would be very grateful! Thanks!