What Do Attack Settings Mean?


Apr 7, 2004
West midlands, UK
When in edit mode, what do attack settings mean

Area Left?

Area Right?

Area Top?

Area Bottom?

Damage Starts (I assume is how much damage you do when your attack bar is at minimum level)

Damage Stops (Again i assume is the most damage you can do)

Hit Effect?

Kill effect?

Duration (Obviously how long the animation takes)

Thanks in advance
maybe you should put all your questions in the same topic, some people are getting really annoyed because they always pop up on the main page and ppl have no clue that they're about gigas...
Ignore the area settings, they are not used yet :)

Duration is how long the attack takes to perform
Attack Starts is at which point the attack starts taking away damage
Attack Stops is at which point the attacks stop taking away damage.
Hit Effect - what special effect is shown when you hit an enemy
Kill effect- what special effect is shown when you kill an enemy.

Basically, with normal attacks you'll want attack start and attack stop to be the same value.

if however your making something like a flamethrower, you may want the attack start and attack stop to be different values, so instead of just hitting them once and taking away the damage once, it keeps on hitting them x number of times sapping the health.

attack settings is pretty much just a configuration of the attack, the damage will be based on the characters stats and the weapon item stats.