How Many Versions Of Game Park 32 Exists?


Still Fresh
May 20, 2004
Silent Hill
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I'd like to know how many versions of GP32 exists, and what are the differences between them. I've heard some "GP32 Blu", "GP32 Flu" or something like that. Oh, I also would like to know which is the best. :P

Many thanks!
in fact there is 2 versions
the 1st one is for normal ans FLU because FLU is just an addon for the normal...
the 2nd one is for BLU only with a new screen

but keep in mind that they all have 8M SDRAM....SMC socket...all the same specs only the screen is changing
hope that will help too

see you :lol:
Thanks for the answers! ;)

- It was said that Flu has a front light. So, the difference between the normal GP32 and the Flu is like comparing GBA to GBA SP?
I presume this is the Flu one:

It would be good if anyone could post pictures of each version (if they really have any difference). :)

EDIT: Btw, which version should I buy?
Zurc_Leafar posted on May 23 2004 at 12:50 PM said:
- It was said that Flu has a front light. So, the difference between the normal GP32 and the Flu is like comparing GBA to GBA SP?
Yes, but the non flu has a much better screen than the GBA. If you are never going to be playing in dim conditions you won't need a flu, whereas the gba needed the frontlight in most conditions anyway.
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Humn, so I presume the Flu version is the best of all. I really don't care about the price, what I really wanted to know was which one is the better version. About the Blu version, it has back light, but no front light? And the back light is used for what?

Thanks for all of you, I'm a really damn newbie! :P
I think you should go for a BLU (theorically available in a month) because BLU screen are better than a normal with an addon...

with FLU on the colors look strange is my own opinion...
remember that thank to the BLU arrivals the FLU prices are going down (-30$ @ liksang)

see you :lol:
a back light , is MUCH better than a front light ,

a front light ( as in the GBA sp ) shines light over the front of the screen ( and can cause glare )

a back light shines light through the screen , minamlizing glare and producing nicer looking colours ^^ hope i helped
The non-FLU screen is a bit brighter than FLU when not using the light because there is a ribbed plastic screen in there for the FLU that cuts out some light.

FLU is like GBA SP - colors wash out when using light

Non-FLU is like GBA - no light, better contrast in regular lighting than FLU

BLU is like Zodiac - bright saturated colors and good contrast , lowered battery life.
Actually, as a FLU owner, I see no difference in the colours with the light on compared to the colours with the light off...... it's good enough for me, and I don't need to use the stupid lamp all the time. Playing in a dark room is great ;)