Before I Buy

Bingo Jesus

GP2X Hardcore
Jun 25, 2004
Cumbria, UK
I've been looking at GP32's for months now and finaly I think I'm going to buy a BLU from gbax, I've just got four questions before I buy, 'm sorry if you heard all these before.

1) Dose the BLU have the light guide which has seemed to plauge so many of you?

2) Is it possible to fix the glass screen onto the BLU, and how easy is it? Also can the Screen be fixed on to BLU once the plastic screen is scratched?

3)Can dust get trapped on or under the screen of the BLU?

4) What sort of options are available when coding for the GP32, is there a BASIC launguage that can be used?

Many Thanks,
Bingo Jesus
fraid i can't anwser too many, but regarding
1) if by light guide you are referring to the light that leaks out around the screen, the new BLU, from the pictures i've seen, has none of that!
2) from the info provided by i don't believe it will be possible to fit a glass screen, but i could be wrong!
3) as the light isn't an after market job so to speak, its an integrated part of the hardware, i see no reason why dust would get into the screen!
4)urm, i think there was once a basic coding package, wasn't widely used and pretty much disappeared i think!
Hi there -

1) The BLU doesn;t need a light guide (the layer that reflects the light DOWN onto the FRONT of the screen on a FRONT lit unit). It is lit totally from the back, which dispenses with the light guide and so increases the contrast and brightness of the colours.

2) Not sure - havent looked!

3) There are always going to be small ways into the unit, through the sockets, through the gaps in the volume control etc. Shouldn;t be a problem unless you keep it in a pocket all the time or something.

4) There's no BASIC that you can use to program the GP32, but there are several game development systems in production.