Are GP32 users long time gamers?


Active Member
Apr 16, 2003
After reading this forum for some time now I get the impression that most GP32 users are long time gamers. So my question to anyone who feels like answering:

What was your first console?

Mine where a Pong machine followed by a Philips VideoPac and then a Colecovision.
Atari 2600 > ZX 80 > Speccy +2 > Amiga 500 > Amiga 1200 > PC
( + various consoles in between )
C64 (when i was 6 :P), C128, Amiga 500, Amiga 1200, Megadrive, SNES, Saturn, "upgraded A1200 to 68030 + 8mb", PC, Gameboy Colour, Playstation, Dreamcast, Gameboy Advance, new PC (laptop with every emulator ever :P), then GP32!

the C64, C128 and the Amigas were all "hand me downs" from my uncles though - every time they got a new machine they gave me their old one...the first games i ever played in my life were Giana Sisters, Buggy Boy, Beamrider and Way Of The Exploding Fist on the C64

in between owning these consoles my uncle also had a Jap PC Engine, a Jap Super Famicom, a Jap Megadrive, a Playstation, a US N64, Dreamcast and PS2 yeah, i've played a helluva lot of games in my life! lol

i wouldn't mind getting an XBOX (just for Jet Set Radio Future!) and a Gamecube (for Mario Sunshine, Zelda and Super Monkey Ball 2)....but i'll wait to the price drops so cheap that i can pick up both machines with all the best games for a combined price of under £150 :P (i don't have time play them these days anyway!)
ZX81, Vectrex, Spectrum 48k, SMS, Megadrive, Amiga 500, 1200, PC and lots of other consoles.

Yes, it seems like many gp32 users like me love the old games ... you *must* a be long time gamer to use a gp32 as there are almost only emulators on it ;)

I was playing since I was ten and now I am eleven :P A whole year of gaming!!!!! My first system was a GBA, then GP32.
:D It's probably true that all gp32 users are mostly gamers from the beginning. The good thing is, you dont have people who dont know what they're talking about, commenting on it.

I just had to reply and say my systems, I've been gaming since i was 4.
First system Gameboy, SNES, new Gameboy, Gameboy color, Game Gear, N64, Dreamcast, GBA, Gamecube, and finally PC.

Well, the first thing I used at all was an Acorn machine... but that was just for hammering the keyboard, pressing enter, and gibbering insanely when it replied that there was no such command or program to use.
The first machine I used properly would have to have been an old 386 SX 16MHz - during who's lifetime managed to run several games designed for 486es. Which was nice - albeit, not fast, but nice nonetheless (believe it or not, Full Throttle ran on it complete with movies. It just crashed preqtty quickly - every half hour or so).

The earliest machine I used a lot though would have to be my school's BBC micro - complete with that king of games, DareDevil Dennis. Oh what fun that was :)
started with a C64, later tested all that Commodore stuff (VC20,C16,C128,Amiga 1000/500). First console was a Genesis, than PC-Engine, Neo Geo, Gameboy, SNES all those things. Latest aquisition is a SwanCrystal together with a Virtual Boy.

I like the GP32 very much, because it think it's something open minded. So it lets me experiment a lot of things. The commerial games are sometimes a bit disappointing for me, but all at all I like it very much!
GB, hardwired Pong, Atari ST, Megadrive, NES, lotsa PCs, GP32, and today I'm gonna buy a "next gen" console.
Don't know which one, either a GC or Xbox. Which would you recommend?
my route was:
Amstrad CPC, age 8, i wanted a speccie tho cause everyone else had one :blink:
Amiga 500+, age 13, £360 it cost back then, and i paid it all on a £11 a week paperround :D
Amiga 1200, age 17 or there abouts, bought my m8s
PSX, age 18 or summit
PC, age 19, my then girlfriend helped pay half of it and we built it ourselfs from scratch :)
PSX2, Xbox, GBA, GC, GP32, in that order between age of 23 and my current 24 (GC owns all except GP :P )

To me getting a GP32 was all about emulation, i dont really care if no official games come out at all, the selling point was getting to play the old Speccie/C64 and whatever on the go.... and the news last week of an Amiga emu is just fantastic cause im still a huge Amiga fan (still got my 2 Amigas hooked up :D )
My first computer was a Commodore PET in about 1978 (when I was four :-). First (and only) console was a very very old thing that plugged into the TV and let me play Pong, I've no idea what it was called. Since then a string of computers but no more consoles (toys ;-) until the GP32.
hereis my tech life:

Spectrum 48k (age 7)
Acorn Electron
Atari ST (age 11)
Don't know which one, either a GC or Xbox. Which would you recommend?

Tapsel, this really depends on your taste. If you are into online play or emulation, get a modded XBOX there are a lot of emulators for the XBOX. If you like nintendo games get a gamecube.

I personally have all three next-gen systems (XBOX,GC and PS2) and use the PS2 the most. This is because it has a very wide range of titles that suits almost any need/taste/desire. It's also the most accepted so (cheap) titles are easy to come by. And if your into turn-based RPG's (like my wife and I/me?) the PS2 is your only choice.
yeh long time gamer, like 12 years long time been playing since i was 5! First console was something that i can't remember, think it might of been one of those realllllly crappy consoles that were made for 5 year olds and have learning games on ¬_¬, but then it progressed to an amstrad which was AMAZING, better than everything damnit!, then onto mega drive which i had for years and years, then got a game boy long time ago, still got it :D, then PSX, then GBC, GBA, PS2, GP32...and i've played on god knows how many! acorns, bbc's, ataris, amigas, snes, nes, game gear, lynx jeez too many, oh and a pc 100mhz.....i don't use my 1ghz one for games but i used that loads! doom and doom 2 baby!
long time gamer..........

my first console was a orange Binatone pong clone.

Machines Owned:

Rubber key Spectrum 48k
Atari ST
Jap Import Mega Drive
Atari Lynx (Model 1)
Atari Jaguar
Sega Saturn
Gameboy Color
NeoGeo Pocket Color
Gameboy Advance with 128mb FAL
Xbox with Xecuter 2 & 120GB drive
The GP32 (mine will arrive to me in a week or two) will be my first ever "console". I've always gone the computer road instead, first C64, then Amiga and now PC. But the GP32 isn't a gaming mahcine to me, it's a development platform. I would never consider buying something that you can't easily develop your own stuff for.
Intellevision, CPC464, PCW8256 (my brother), Megadrive, GB, PSX, GBA, PS2, GC, GP32... :rolleyes: