A Noise Machine...


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2003
Ok, It might sound silly, but think of all the amuzement you will get out of it :D... This is what it will be. (Its a slight copy of GP Cat) :D

Ok If someone is desperate for a Piss and theres no toilets around for miles then you can grap you GP32 load up "Make_Someone_Piss_Themself.fxe" (or MSPT.fxe for short :D) and start hitting the buttons for different sounds of running water / piss sounds :D hehe

Its a little silly, but might be funny to try on someone :D

On an extension, how about a generator for very high pitched beeps that don't are almost outside hearing range; the same buzz a monitor makes. Then turn that on, and have people wondering where the f* the TV is lol.

The permutations are endless...

(Of course, that idea only works if the GP32 speakers can provide frequencies that high....)
Yeah! It could just be like L/R/A/B/Start/Select+Direction plays the according sound from the "sound pack" you have loaded into the program when it is first run, there would be a program in windows where you assign a wav to each command and then save as a .snd or something that the GP32 program opens so it would be very easy to make new packs. I think that would be a good format to follow if someone where to make a program like that.
Iorgy77 posted on May 22 2004 at 10:44 PM said:
remember the brown sound from southpark...
A high pitched noise that makes who ever hears it crap their pants :P
It was a Low pitched sound wasnt it?? :D

Everyone around the world shit them self at teh same time hehe
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Tobriand posted on May 22 2004 at 10:37 PM said:

On an extension, how about a generator for very high pitched beeps that don't are almost outside hearing range; the same buzz a monitor makes. Then turn that on, and have people wondering where the f* the TV is lol.

The permutations are endless...

(Of course, that idea only works if the GP32 speakers can provide frequencies that high....)
I think it can.
Frodo generates a anoying constant high-pitch noise when running, allthough I don't think it's ment to. I does go through the speakers, because you can turn it off by turning sound of or turning the volume all the way down.

It's been bugging me alot, since it's one of my fave emulators.
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On an extension, how about a generator for very high pitched beeps that don't are almost outside hearing range; the same buzz a monitor makes. Then turn that on, and have people wondering where the f* the TV is lol.

heh, there is a tone generator available for all you budding phreakers out there!
Steve-O posted on May 23 2004 at 02:52 PM said:
Iorgy77 posted on May 22 2004 at 10:44 PM said:
remember the brown sound from southpark...
A high pitched noise that makes who ever hears it crap their pants :P
It was a Low pitched sound wasnt it?? :D

Everyone around the world shit them self at teh same time hehe
if that was true i would fly new york
put a huge speaker right in the middle of it
his play
and the brown noise plays
tons of people crap their pants at once
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Tobriand posted on May 22 2004 at 10:37 PM said:

On an extension, how about a generator for very high pitched beeps that don't are almost outside hearing range; the same buzz a monitor makes. Then turn that on, and have people wondering where the f* the TV is lol.

The permutations are endless...

(Of course, that idea only works if the GP32 speakers can provide frequencies that high....)
Great idea, what about a microwave sound or a ticking bomb, " tick, 5, tick, 4, tick, 3, tick, 2......." :lol:
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xboxit posted on May 24 2004 at 09:15 AM said:
Tobriand posted on May 22 2004 at 10:37 PM said:

On an extension, how about a generator for very high pitched beeps that don't are almost outside hearing range; the same buzz a monitor makes. Then turn that on, and have people wondering where the f* the TV is lol.

The permutations are endless...

(Of course, that idea only works if the GP32 speakers can provide frequencies that high....)
Great idea, what about a microwave sound or a ticking bomb, " tick, 5, tick, 4, tick, 3, tick, 2......." :lol:

I always thought a portable swear beeping machine would work well.
You could pack the GP32 with lots of samples like a standard beep, or all the comedy effects used in censored hip-hop singles, like words going backward or horse neighing, dogs barking, all that stuff.

That way you walk up to your mate and go "Oi, what the [BEEEEEEEEP] do you think you are doing you [BEEEEEEP]ing [wuff wuff wuff]! Kiss my big fat hairy [BEEEEEEP]!"
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