Win ups...confused =\


Still Fresh
Mar 4, 2003
yeah, my GP32 is in the mail from like-sang (finally decided this over a GBA after a 2 month debating period...) and I was do you install winups? also, is it worth the risk of installing it? I'm a total n00b so I have no idea about anything thus far. Any help would be appreciated. :D
:huh: Yes It's Worth Installing winups , that is if you want a window like gui on your gp32 , and there is zero risc as you might be getting a little confused with firmware upgrade, It is a software upgrade to your flash card , the only risc you will get of killing your gamepark is firmware upgrades. And if you follow the rules you can minimize the risc,
i.e fresh batties and make sure that your usb to your pc is stable.

Hope this help's.
wow thanks :lol: , but how do you run it? I can't wait for my gp32 to get here, but does the GP32 load up winups from start or do you have to load it manually...?
I think that with the original bios you have to load it yourself with the freeloader, and with pacrom its loads on its own.
B) Yes Thats right you need to install a program the launcher software first , But you can go into winups from power on.....If you flash your firmware :unsure: , but it's well worth the risc and if you use the muti firmware upgrade you don'nt need to install winups, as it's part of the muti firmware upgrade :D , but be careful and follow the rule's and evey thing should be fine :P .
what happens if you screw up the flashing? does it just kill the hardware?
Hold on a second...

So if you install Windups just on your SMC you're completely safe, but if you install it on your GP32 you have a chance of frying your hardware?

What's the difference of it just being installed on the SMC vs. the actual GP32? Does it power up differently, is it slower, etc. ?