My First 24 Hours With My Gp32...

Littlejohn isn't full speed?...................

Dude, you have either never touched a GP32, Or just want to try to stir up a beehive with a stick here... Littlejohn .03 runs kirby's adventure fullspeed, Shatterhand, super mario bros 3... ALL FULLSPEED, 100 pecent. Are you SURE you have the settings correct? (sound quality medium, frameskip auto, Vsync off, etc.) And it's not a squashed up display like pocket NES either....

And buy the legal GP cinema, it's amazing and worth it.

And as for the SNES emu issue......It's barely even a beta, It's only in it's second release. It's STILL better than the heavily coded pocket SNES for GBA... It will eventually be full speed with sound...

The Genesis emu is an insanely early beta, almost an ALPHA... So judgeing it on that is rather unfair.

The A and B buttons take getting used to, but they are pretty good, And if they have odd or poor response, get a new button membrane from GBAX.
I love the stick on the GP32, and I love the stick on the Neo Geo Pocket. However, the GP32 stick needs to be adjusted a little.

Pull the stick completely out of the socket, and when putting it back in, only put it in a 1/4 of the way. It is a hell of a lot more responsive.

Also, I'm on the "Little John is full speed" bandwagon. I mean, really, there is nothing wrong with it. If anything, its probably running at PAL (50hz) speed, if you're an american, you'd be used to NTSC (60hz), so it may seem a tad slower to you, but at least the screen isnt squashed.
The GBA version of Elite: TNK is great. The GP32 version isn't a patch on it unfortunately. I'd like to see the GBA version ported over.

And the link is down as well.
Rant mode on
So what you are saying is, That you traded your GBA and GBA flash cart with perfect NES and near perfect SNES (without sound) emulation. All you got in return was a glorified mp3 player (which you don`t need, Cos of the ipod), That happens to plays Doom wads and Pcengine roms (without saves). So technically we have an unhappy customer :rolleyes: . The simple solution to your problem (as with any unsatisfied customer) is you sell the GP32 and get your bloody flash cart back (or a new one) and stop trolling here. It is pointless telling us your tales of wow with the GP32 compared to your GBA (esepecally on a GP32 board), As we are all pretty much happy with whats available or are waiting patiently for any improvement needed, To come.
Rant mode off
well, I did not give my GBA away for the GP, but do not use any flashcart and stuff for it...
But you forgut the best thing on the GP: THE FRIGGIN MOD Player! I am using this all the time
i still think this thread is ridiculous. i pretty much agree with trooper's post above. computer illiterate people should leave the GP32 alone. you always need to fiddle with stuff before you get what you wanted. that's how it works. if you don't like it, get a console you pop your game into and play. easy as that. end of story.
i gave littlejohn 0.3 a test run last night and i have to admit it is much better than .4

i couldnt notice any slowdown even with the music.

i apologize if i am a perfectionist and i like my games to be perfect and smooth. i just absolutely hate frameskipping. i just know the gp32 definitely has room for better and faster emus , like genesis and snes. i've been in the emulation scene a while, and i've seen some incredible stuff done on low-end hardware.

also, i play with the settings for any program i get. heck the reason i got the gp32 is because i like geek stuff. i still have my gba sp for metroid zero mission, but i guess i just really wanted the gp32 to be perfect for what i wanted. i really really wanted to absolutely love this machine, i just cant completely overlook some of it's flaws.

go a head and lock this topic mods, my point didnt come out like i had wanted to, and it's just turning into a flamefest
True the GP32 emus can be refined a lot.. but the main problem is that the GP32 is not as mainstream as many other platforms and we are losing coders by the day for various reasons....

if you know any coders that could help then that will be appreciated...:)