Hey There...
Having been in a motorbike accident 5 weeks ago and being pretty much couch bound all the while, the guys at my work chipped in and bought me "you guessed it " a GP32... Being the gadget freak that I am, this lil baby has been a real boredom reliever... ( Theres only so much porn I can look at
) Its fantastic... Being an avid Gamer since I was a sperm in me daddys sack... we'll almost ... Its been great to relive some real gems .... THE SCuMM emulator r0x0rs ... and being able to play Doom on the bog has been fantastic too.. So ... I came across this site... and thought I'd share my story with all of ya's.
I then discovered the link to JOYGP... and £30 later I thought I'd better stop...
So... there ya go... now... I have a few questions...
1) /me lurves RPG's ... and have seen them on the JOYGP site... but not being fluent or newhere close to even saying "HI" in Korean... I thought I'd better hold off and see what the consensus was on them...
2) LIGHTS... LIGHTS ... LIGHTS... being as there is an abundance of Lights for the GBA... are there any which I can buy for the GP32... specially in the UK??? Before one of ye's suggests it ... I cant afford a backlit GP32 and NO I am not using the Screen from my IPAQ... B) Any mods about with details on what light can be converted to work with the GP32... I have about 2 or 3 for my GBA .. but so far none seem very adaptable to work with the GP32...
3) When is the XBOX emulator available for release on it??? ( OK... A joke...
) Seriously tho... does ne1 know if there are ne plans for full speed snes??? Would love to play shadowrun @ 100% ..
4) Finally ... I know... big post.. The hacked bios' which are available.. as seen on GP32 emu I believe... Are they worth using ... how difficult are they to install... how big is the risk ( I put linux on my IPAQ.. got xwindows working... tried to put WINDOWS CE OS back on it and fried the lil mobo... luckily managed to get it replaced soooo.. my lesson was learned... ) I digress... IF the hax0red bios messes up ... am I looking at a
dead GP <sniff> or is it easy to restore the original...
OK That about sums it all up... Hope some1 has the patience to read all of it...
M0nk T.
PS: I am not on Crack... nor do I intend to try ne...
PSS: Ignore my spelling mistakes.. I know I make em as I dont look at the keyboard nemore when typing...
Having been in a motorbike accident 5 weeks ago and being pretty much couch bound all the while, the guys at my work chipped in and bought me "you guessed it " a GP32... Being the gadget freak that I am, this lil baby has been a real boredom reliever... ( Theres only so much porn I can look at
I then discovered the link to JOYGP... and £30 later I thought I'd better stop...
So... there ya go... now... I have a few questions...
1) /me lurves RPG's ... and have seen them on the JOYGP site... but not being fluent or newhere close to even saying "HI" in Korean... I thought I'd better hold off and see what the consensus was on them...
2) LIGHTS... LIGHTS ... LIGHTS... being as there is an abundance of Lights for the GBA... are there any which I can buy for the GP32... specially in the UK??? Before one of ye's suggests it ... I cant afford a backlit GP32 and NO I am not using the Screen from my IPAQ... B) Any mods about with details on what light can be converted to work with the GP32... I have about 2 or 3 for my GBA .. but so far none seem very adaptable to work with the GP32...
3) When is the XBOX emulator available for release on it??? ( OK... A joke...
4) Finally ... I know... big post.. The hacked bios' which are available.. as seen on GP32 emu I believe... Are they worth using ... how difficult are they to install... how big is the risk ( I put linux on my IPAQ.. got xwindows working... tried to put WINDOWS CE OS back on it and fried the lil mobo... luckily managed to get it replaced soooo.. my lesson was learned... ) I digress... IF the hax0red bios messes up ... am I looking at a
dead GP <sniff> or is it easy to restore the original...
OK That about sums it all up... Hope some1 has the patience to read all of it...
M0nk T.
PS: I am not on Crack... nor do I intend to try ne...
PSS: Ignore my spelling mistakes.. I know I make em as I dont look at the keyboard nemore when typing...