Don't ask me, but it works!!! Mono sound, who cares? It is still stereo with or without headphones on. The sound is only slightly quieter, but hey it is worth going from a 38MB movie to only 8MB and still have great quality.
The guide tells you to select stereo, but a video player that didn't support mono would be pretty useless, since all it has to do is duplicate the channels...halving the sound size is well worth it considering the closeness of the two speakers.
Grrrrrrrrrr, Harry Potter will compress to 30MB with mpeg-3 layr sound 16,000 Hz, but it freezes moviepark (I know that I have DivX 4.12 and 320x176 resolution!) What is the problem???????
Just out of intrest how wachable is a movie compressed to 30-40 mb/90mins?
I was a little put off by needing 1 card per movie but if i can get 4 per card (and be watchable) ill be well chuffed
Okay, I followed kitsune's directions, and it was only 68MB!!!! Thanks a lot everyone for your help. You guys are great! Now I just have to test it on my gp32.