You've guessed it....


May 31, 2003
I installed Moviepark, Movielink, Virtual Dub, and that big 28MEG file of codecs.

I follwed the instructions off of GP32emu's FAQ's, and I made a short, couple of seconds music video for my GP32...

Now this is where my problems begin...

When I load up Moviepark, I select the file and it simply crashes. Nothing loads, no buttons do anything. My GP32 crashes. OK thats problem one... lol....

Right now, on my PC I can't watch any AVI's, cos when I try, I get a MMSWITCH.AX error and my player crashes. I can only watch *.asf and *.wmv in full screen mode too. If I want to watch something in full screen mode, I get the whoel screen go black, then a tiny sized window with teh movie playing in its original size....

If anyone can help, I'll be might pleased. If not, I'm gonna stay very angry for a long time :(

If it's needed, I'm using Windows ME. Many thanks :)
This happened to me at 1st you need to make your Audio stereo and have it obove 11,250 kbps. Or so i was told, it worked for me.
If that doesnt work i can mail you some configs i use & know should work.
That'd be appreciated :D

many thanks :D

edit:can you explain why i cant watch avi's, and why the files i can watch wont go fullscreen?

oooh and whil im here, how do you rip from a dvd??
Windows ME huh.. lol, well thats your biggest problem :P

Do you have the latest media player? what media player do you use?

Which codec pack did you install?

Try to not use MovieLink.. does the same thing happen to files you encode using virtualdub and using one of the many great guides?

I think the main problem could be your computer since if it cannot even play the file.. how can it decode it to encode it...

and lastly I hope this gets fixed for you soon because MoviePark is truley wonderful :)
I installed moviepark aswell and i compressed Lord of the rings to 116Megs using the following guidelines :
- Format : Divx4.0
- Video Size : 320x240, 320x176
- Bit rate : 128Kbps
- Frame rate : 10fps

- Format : MP3
- Bit rate : 32Kbps
- Sampling rate : 11.025Khz, 22.050Khz
(Lik Sang note: the MP3 format referring to seems to be the one used for video streams, not the one which is supported by the GP32 system anyway)

The movie works ok using The Playa, but when i try to load it in moviepark the gp32 just crashes and freezes any ideas???
Wen I downlaoded that codec pack, the 28,1Meg one..... I installed every codec tehre as I didn't know what I needed. I then installed over the top, teh divx 4.12 codec.

followed instructions perfectly.

thing is, the probem about viewing the videos i have now only happenned AFTER i installe dthe codecs. When I uninstall them all, they work again....

thanks for the link ripping dvds' :)

EDIT: My typing is terrible! My real email address is - sorry :S
I've just upgraded my Windows Media Player to the latest series9 version thingy... still got the same problem...

AvI's won't play, but instead of crashing the player, they simply try to downlaod a codec, then an error "occurs".

Still can't watch anything in fullscreen except for WMV's and ASF's, unless I uninstall the codecs I instald so I could use Virual Dub...

PLEEEEEASE someone help!
I too had a media problem, I couldn't play anything

so what I did was to go on a downloading spree for loads of codec packs and players.

I got loads like elecard mpeg player,divx player,etc..etc...

I dont know which one it was but after installing it everything worked??

Also check for windows codec updates

Not good with windows but ya never know it might work

Hope you sort the problem mate
