Reset Button


Apr 7, 2003
Here's an idea for one of you hardware gurus -- how about adding a reset switch to your gp32? One of those little red buttons would work great, and I think I'd place it top dead center so it would be out of reach from normal finger usage, keeping me from accidentally resetting mine all the time.

I added a button to my old Commodore 64 back in the day and it worked great! I remember I just had to add the button, and solder the wires to two points which would cause the C64 to reset. You think it would be just as easy on a GP32?

Could be useful on the GP32 to avoid off-on sequence just to restart from scratch... It's not very good to do off-on too often on electronics :-(

I added a reset button on my Amstrad CPC 6128... I also added a hard pause switch: switching pause on, everything was frozen, switching it off, everything was going on... Way funny with reflection games :-)

But the CPC had reset and pause lines on the expansion port... What with the GP32? Does anybody know how it's wired inside? Is there a reset line? Where to solder? Don't know... :-(

I remember adding a reset switch to my C64 (well, it resetted the 154I drive to be exact) so I totally agree! It would be a huge relief since still lots of software doesn't include a reset function
There is a reset pin in the EXT connector..
just add a switch between it and earth.. or Vcc
and you have your reset.

adding reset options in the emulators would be pretty cool (there's one in SMS i think). but otherwise, yeah the ol' power switch does the trick pretty well
I worry about this too. The plastic slide that connects to the on-off switch has always been a bit to loose for me.
Hmmm - I'm not that bothered. As long as you don't batter the thing like hell, I reckon it'll be fine. Has anyone heard of a case of broken switch syndrome?
or, it would be cool to add a wind-ups like feature (file browser+exec loader) on every program out there, so you don't have to switch on and off your gp (at least untill it locks up :)), just choose your program and run it.... (how many times did I switch between windups and gp File Manager? :))!
we want a shared library! :)
could be done with a generic system.

You have a placeholder FXE called 'boot.fxe'. All programs have a 'quit' option, when selected they run 'boot.fxe'. Boot.fxe runs a custom shell of your choice according to your config file, such as Wind-ups.

Reasons not to do this:

1. Programs would -have- to have proper garbage-collection (not neccessarily a bad thing)
2. Is an extra 'setup' step for people new to computers and/or the GP32

:D j/k
I've had problems with the switch before, because if I switch it on-off-on too fast, some of the program stays in memory. Prolly just the video mem is still there because it is frozen, and also the video mem isn't perfect because there are lines all over the screen. There atleast needs to be a thing on the switch that hard wipes all the memeory so it will start correctly even if you switch as fast as possible. <_<